Grants and contracts made under this subchapter shall be made in accordance with such regulations as the Secretary may promulgate. The amount of any grant under any section of this subchapter shall be determined by the Secretary; except that no grant under any such section for any program or project for a fiscal year beginning after June 30, 1975, may be made for less than 90 per centum of its costs (as determined under regulations of the Secretary) unless the grant is to be made for a program or project for which a grant was made (under the same section) for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1975, for less than 90 per centum of its costs (as so determined), in which case a grant under such section for that program or project for a fiscal year beginning after that date may be made for a percentage which shall not be less than the percentage of its costs for which the fiscal year 1975 grant was made.
Grants under this subchapter shall be payable in such installments and subject to such conditions as the Secretary may determine to be appropriate to assure that such grants will be effectively utilized for the purposes for which made.