For each fiscal year, the Secretary may not make payments to a State under section 300d–11(a) of this title unless, subject to subsection (b), the State submits to the Secretary the trauma care component of the State plan for the provision of emergency medical services, including any changes to the trauma care component and any plans to address deficiencies in the trauma care component.
For each fiscal year, if a State has not completed the trauma care component of the State plan described in subsection (a), the State may provide, in lieu of such completed component, an interim component or a description of efforts made toward the completion of the component.
The Secretary may not make payments to a State under section 300d–11(a) of this title unless the State agrees that the State will, not less than once each year, provide to the Secretary the information received by the State pursuant to section 300d–13(a)(7) of this title.