A State shall use a portion of the amounts provided under a grant awarded under section 300ff–21 of this title to establish a program under section 300ff–22(b)(3)(B) of this title to provide therapeutics to treat HIV/AIDS or prevent the serious deterioration of health arising from HIV/AIDS in eligible individuals, including measures for the prevention and treatment of opportunistic infections.
In carrying out this section, the Secretary shall review the current status of State drug reimbursement programs established under section 300ff–22(2) [1] of this title and assess barriers to the expanded availability of the treatments described in subsection (a). The Secretary shall also examine the extent to which States coordinate with other grantees under this subchapter to reduce barriers to the expanded availability of the treatments described in subsection (a).
For purposes of subsection (c)(1), the Secretary shall develop and maintain a list of classes of core antiretroviral therapeutics, which list shall be based on the therapeutics included in the guidelines of the Secretary known as the Clinical Practice Guidelines for Use of HIV/AIDS Drugs, relating to drugs needed to manage symptoms associated with HIV. The preceding sentence does not affect the authority of the Secretary to modify such Guidelines.
In carrying out subsection (a), a State may expend a grant under section 300ff–21 of this title to provide the therapeutics described in such subsection by paying on behalf of individuals with HIV/AIDS the costs of purchasing or maintaining health insurance or plans whose coverage includes a full range of such therapeutics and appropriate primary care services.
The authority established in paragraph (1) applies only to the extent that, for the fiscal year involved, the costs of the health insurance or plans to be purchased or maintained under such paragraph do not exceed the costs of otherwise providing therapeutics described in subsection (a).
A State shall ensure that any drug rebates received on drugs purchased from funds provided pursuant to this section are applied to activities supported under this subpart, with priority given to activities described under this section.