For the purposes described in subsection (b), the Secretary, acting through the Administrator of the Health Resources and Services Administration, may make grants to public and nonprofit private entities specified in section 300ff–52(a) of this title.
With respect to a grant under subsection (a) to an applicant for a fiscal year, the applicant shall, of the portion of the grant remaining after reserving amounts for purposes of paragraphs (3) and (5) of section 300ff–64(g) of this title, use not less than 75 percent to provide core medical services that are needed in the area involved for individuals with HIV/AIDS who are identified and eligible under this subchapter (including services regarding the co-occurring conditions of the individuals).
For purposes of this section, the term “support services” means services, subject to the approval of the Secretary, that are needed for individuals with HIV/AIDS to achieve their medical outcomes (such as respite care for persons caring for individuals with HIV/AIDS, outreach services, medical transportation, linguistic services, and referrals for health care and support services).
In this section, the term “medical outcomes” means those outcomes affecting the HIV-related clinical status of an individual with HIV/AIDS.
The Secretary may not make a grant under subsection (a) unless the applicant for the grant agrees that each of the early intervention services specified in paragraph (2) will be available through the grantee. With respect to compliance with such agreement, such a grantee may expend the grant to provide the early intervention services directly, and may expend the grant to enter into agreements with public or nonprofit private entities, or private for-profit entities if such entities are the only available provider of quality HIV care in the area, under which the entities provide the services.