The Administrator of General Services, the Secretary of Defense, and the Director of the Defense Logistics Agency, each shall undertake a program to include energy efficient products in carrying out their procurement and supply functions.
The Administrator of General Services, the Secretary of Defense, and the Director of the Defense Logistics Agency, in consultation with the Secretary of Energy, each shall implement, in conjunction with carrying out their procurement and supply functions, a program to identify and designate those energy efficient products that offer significant potential savings, using, to the extent practicable, the life cycle cost methods and procedures developed under section 8254 of this title. The Secretary of Energy shall, to the extent necessary to carry out this section and after consultation with the aforementioned agency heads, provide estimates of the degree of relative energy efficiency of products.
The Administrator for Federal Procurement Policy, in consultation with the Administrator of General Services, the Secretary of Energy, the Secretary of Defense, and the Director of the Defense Logistics Agency, shall issue guidelines to encourage the acquisition and use by all Federal agencies of products identified pursuant to this section. The Secretary of Defense and the Director of the Defense Logistics Agency shall consider, and place emphasis on, the acquisition of such products as part of the Agency’s ongoing review of military specifications.