Any electric utility required to submit a conservation plan under section 8484 of this title shall annually submit to the Secretary a report identifying the steps taken during the preceding year to implement such plan.
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42 U.S. Code § 8422 - Compliance report
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(a) GenerallyAny person owning, operating, or proposing to operate one or more existing electric powerplants required to come into compliance with the prohibitions of this chapter shall on or before January 1, 1980, and annually thereafter, submit to the Secretary a report identifying all such existing electric powerplants owned or operated by such person. Such report shall—
set forth the anticipated schedule for compliance with the applicable requirements and prohibitions by each such electric powerplant;
indicate proposed or existing contracts or other commitments or good faith negotiations for such contracts or commitments for coal or another alternate fuel, equipment, or combinations thereof, which would enable such powerplant to comply with such prohibitions; and
identify those electric powerplants, if any, for which application for temporary or permanent exemption from the prohibitions of this chapter may be filed.
(b) Report on implementation of section 8484 plan
(Pub. L. 95–620, title VII, § 712, Nov. 9, 1978, 92 Stat. 3332; Pub. L. 97–35, title X, § 1023(b), Aug. 13, 1981, 95 Stat. 617.)
Editorial Notes
References in Text
This chapter, referred to in subsec. (a), was in the original “this Act”, meaning Pub. L. 95–620, Nov. 9, 1978, 92 Stat. 3289, known as the Powerplant and Industrial Fuel Use Act of 1978, which is classified principally to this chapter. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title note set out under section 8301 of this title and Tables.
1981—Pub. L. 97–35 designated existing provisions as subsec. (a) and added subsec. (b).
Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries
Effective Date of 1981 Amendment
Amendment by Pub. L. 97–35 effective Aug. 13, 1981, see section 1038 of Pub. L. 97–35, set out as a note under section 6240 of this title.