- § 17381. Statement of policy on modernization of electricity grid
- § 17382. Smart grid system report
- § 17383. Smart Grid Advisory Committee and Smart Grid Task Force
- § 17384. Smart grid technology research, development, and demonstration
- § 17384a. Smart grid modeling, visualization, architecture, and controls
- § 17385. Smart grid interoperability framework
- § 17386. Federal matching fund for smart grid investment costs
- § 17387. Integrated energy systems
- § 17388. Advisory committee
- § 17389. Technology demonstration on the distribution grid
- § 17390. Voluntary model pathways
- § 17391. Voluntary state, regional, and local electricity distribution planning
- § 17392. Micro-grid and integrated micro-grid systems program
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42 U.S. Code Subchapter IX - SMART GRID
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