The term “construction” means the installation of infrastructure and the upgrading of existing facilities in locations in which the infrastructure or facilities are associated with the new infrastructure of a rural water project recommended by the Secretary pursuant to this subchapter.
The term “Federal reclamation law” means the Act of June 17, 1902 (32 Stat. 388, chapter 1093), and Acts supplemental to and amendatory of that Act (43 U.S.C. 371 et seq.).
The term “Indian tribe” has the meaning given the term in section 5304 of title 25.
The term “non-Federal project entity” means a State, regional, or local authority, Indian tribe or tribal organization, or other qualifying entity, such as a water conservation district, water conservancy district, or rural water district or association.
The term “operations, maintenance, and replacement costs” means all costs for the operation of a rural water supply project that are necessary for the safe, efficient, and continued functioning of the project to produce the benefits described in a feasibility study.
The term “operations, maintenance, and replacement costs” does not include construction costs.
The term “Program” means the rural water supply program carried out under section 2402 of this title.
The term “Reclamation States” means the States and areas referred to in the first section of the Act of June 17, 1902 (43 U.S.C. 391).
The term “rural water supply project” means a project that is designed to serve a community or group of communities, each of which has a population of not more than 50,000 inhabitants, which may include Indian tribes and tribal organizations, dispersed homesites, or rural areas with domestic, industrial, municipal, and residential water.