The Secretary of the Interior shall establish within the Department of the Interior the National Geospatial Advisory Committee to provide advice and recommendations to the Chairperson of the Committee.
The Chairperson of the Committee shall appoint the Chairperson of the Advisory Committee.
A member of the Advisory Committee may not participate in any specific-party matter (including a lease, license, permit, contract, claim, agreement, or related litigation) with the Department of the Interior in which the member has a direct financial interest.
The Advisory Committee may hold meetings (which shall be open to the public) and sit and act at such times and places as the Advisory Committee considers advisable to carry out this chapter.
The Advisory Committee, with the concurrence of the Chairperson of the Committee, may secure directly from any covered agency such information as the Advisory Committee considers necessary to carry out this chapter. Upon request of the Chairperson of the Advisory Committee, the head of such agency shall furnish such information to the Advisory Committee.
The Advisory Committee shall include in the comments of the Advisory Committee submitted under section 2802(c)(11) of this title a discussion of any failure by a covered agency to furnish information in response to a request under subparagraph (A) of this paragraph.
The members of the Advisory Committee shall be allowed travel expenses, including per diem in lieu of subsistence, at rates authorized for employees of agencies under subchapter I of chapter 57 of title 5 while away from their homes or regular places of business in the performance of services for the Advisory Committee.
Any Federal Government employee may be detailed to the Committee to support the Advisory Committee without reimbursement, and such detail shall be without interruption or loss of civil service status or privilege.
The Office of the Secretariat established by the Committee under section 2802(d) of this title shall provide administrative support to the Advisory Committee.
Except as provided in paragraph (2), the Federal Advisory Committee Act (5 U.S.C. App.) 1 shall apply to the Advisory Committee.
Section 14(a)(2) of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (5 U.S.C. App.) 1 shall not apply to the Advisory Committee.