Within ninety days after receipt of notice of the approval by the Secretary of the application for exchange of entry and subject to the rights and interests of other parties, the entryman may dispose of, and he or his transferee or vendee may remove, any and all improvements placed on the relinquished unit. Upon the making of an exchange under this subchapter, any water right appurtenant to the original lands under the Federal reclamation laws shall cease and the water supply theretofore used or required to satisfy such right shall be available for disposition under those laws. Any land relinquished or conveyed to the United States under this subchapter shall revert to or become a part of the public domain and be subject to disposition by the Secretary under any of the provisions of the Federal reclamation laws.
Quick search by citation:
43 U.S. Code § 451d - Disposal of improvements; water rights; revertibility of relinquished land
(Aug. 13, 1953, ch. 428, § 5, 67 Stat. 567.)
Editorial Notes
References in Text
The Federal reclamation laws, referred to in text, are identified in section 451i of this title.