- § 390aa. Congressional declaration of purpose; short title
- § 390bb. Definitions
- § 390cc. New or amended contracts
- § 390dd. Limitation on ownership
- § 390ee. Pricing
- § 390ff. Certification of compliance
- § 390gg. Equivalency
- § 390hh. Operation and maintenance charges
- § 390ii. Disposition of excess lands
- § 390jj. Water conservation
- § 390kk. Residency not required
- § 390ll. Corps of Engineers projects
- § 390mm. Repayment of construction charges
- § 390nn. Trusts
- § 390oo. Temporary supplies of water
- § 390pp. Involuntary foreclosure
- § 390qq. Isolated tracts
- § 390rr. Central Arizona Project
- § 390ss. Religious or charitable organizations
- § 390tt. Contract required
- § 390uu. Waiver of sovereign immunity
- § 390vv. Excess crop restrictions
- § 390ww. Administrative provisions
- § 390xx. Validation of contracts entered into prior to October 1, 1981
- § 390yy. Leasing requirements
- § 390zz. Reporting
- § 390zz–1. Severability
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