A covered provider may not use an intermediate provider to transmit covered voice communications unless such intermediate provider is registered under subsection (a)(1).
Not later than 180 days after February 26, 2018, the Commission shall promulgate rules to establish a registry to record registrations under subsection (a)(1).
Not later than 1 year after February 26, 2018, the Commission shall promulgate rules to establish service quality standards for the transmission of covered voice communications by intermediate providers.
The Commission shall make the registry established under subsection (c)(1)(A) publicly available on the website of the Commission.
The requirements of this section shall apply regardless of the format by which any communication or service is provided, the protocol or format by which the transmission of such communication or service is achieved, or the regulatory classification of such communication or service.
Nothing in this section shall be construed to affect the regulatory classification of any communication or service.
Nothing in this section shall be construed to preempt or expand the authority of a State public utility commission or other relevant State agency to collect data, or investigate and enforce State law and regulations, regarding the completion of intrastate voice communications, regardless of the format by which any communication or service is provided, the protocol or format by which the transmission of such communication or service is achieved, or the regulatory classification of such communication or service.
The term “covered provider” has the meaning given the term in section 64.2101 of title 47, Code of Federal Regulations, or any successor thereto.