(a) In General.—
Subject to subsection (b), the Administrator is authorized to donate security screening equipment to a foreign last point of departure airport operator if such equipment can be reasonably expected to mitigate a specific vulnerability to the security of the United States or United States citizens.
(b) Conditions.—Before donating any security screening equipment to a foreign last point of departure airport operator the Administrator shall—
ensure that no TSA-specific security standards or algorithms exist on the screening equipment; and
(c) Reports.—Not later than 30 days before any donation of security screening equipment under subsection (a), the Administrator shall provide to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation and the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Homeland Security of the House of Representatives a detailed written explanation of the following:
The specific vulnerability to the United States or United States citizens that will be mitigated by such donation.
An explanation as to why the recipient of such donation is unable or unwilling to purchase security screening equipment to mitigate such vulnerability.
An evacuation plan for sensitive technologies in case of emergency or instability in the country to which such donation is being made.