(a) Establishment; Responsibilities of Secretary.—The Secretary shall establish in the Service the National Underground Railroad Network to Freedom. Under the national network, the Secretary shall—
produce and disseminate appropriate educational materials, such as handbooks, maps, interpretive guides, or electronic information;
enter into appropriate cooperative agreements and memoranda of understanding to provide technical assistance under subsection (c); and
create and adopt an official, uniform symbol or device for the national network and issue regulations for its use.
(b) Elements.—The national network shall encompass the following elements:
All System units and programs of the Service determined by the Secretary to pertain to the Underground Railroad.
(c) Cooperative Agreements and Memoranda of Understanding.—To achieve the purposes of this chapter and to ensure effective coordination of the Federal and non-Federal elements of the national network with System units and programs of the Service, the Secretary may enter into cooperative agreements and memoranda of understanding with, and provide technical assistance—