- § 306101. Assumption of responsibility for preservation of historic property
- § 306102. Preservation program
- § 306103. Recordation of historic property prior to alteration or demolition
- § 306104. Agency Preservation Officer
- § 306105. Agency programs and projects
- § 306106. Review of plans of transferees of surplus federally owned historic property
- § 306107. Planning and actions to minimize harm to National Historic Landmarks
- § 306108. Effect of undertaking on historic property
- § 306109. Costs of preservation as eligible project costs
- § 306110. Annual preservation awards program
- § 306111. Environmental impact statement
- § 306112. Waiver of provisions in event of natural disaster or imminent threat to national security
- § 306113. Anticipatory demolition
- § 306114. Documentation of decisions respecting undertakings
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54 U.S. Code Subchapter I - IN GENERAL
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