Not later than 1 year after December 18, 2015, the heads of the appropriate Federal entities shall jointly submit to Congress a detailed report concerning the implementation of this subchapter.
Not later than 2 years after December 18, 2015 and not less frequently than once every 2 years thereafter, the inspectors general of the appropriate Federal entities, in consultation with the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community and the Council of Inspectors General on Financial Oversight, shall jointly submit to Congress an interagency report on the actions of the executive branch of the Federal Government to carry out this subchapter during the most recent 2-year period.
Not later than 3 years after December 18, 2015, the Comptroller General of the United States shall submit to Congress a report on the actions taken by the Federal Government to remove personal information from cyber threat indicators or defensive measures pursuant to this subchapter. Such report shall include an assessment of the sufficiency of the policies, procedures, and guidelines established under this subchapter in addressing concerns relating to privacy and civil liberties.
Each report required under this section shall be submitted in an unclassified form, but may include a classified annex.