(a) In generalThe Secretary shall develop and update, as necessary, protocols for the resumption of trade in accordance with section 941(b)(10) of this title in the event of a transportation disruption or a transportation security incident. The protocols shall include—
the identification of the appropriate initial incident commander, if the Commandant of the Coast Guard is not the appropriate person, and lead departments, agencies, or offices to execute such protocols;
(b) VesselsIn determining the prioritization of vessels accessing facilities (as defined under section 70101 of title 46), the Commandant of the Coast Guard may, to the extent practicable and consistent with the protocols and plans required under this section to ensure the safe and secure transit of vessels to ports in the United States after a transportation security incident, give priority to a vessel—
that has an approved security plan under section 70103(c) of title 46 or a valid international ship security certificate, as provided under part 104 of title 33, Code of Federal Regulations;
(c) CargoIn determining the prioritization of the resumption of the flow of cargo and consistent with the protocols established under this section, the Commissioner may give preference to cargo—
entering a port of entry directly from a foreign seaport designated under the Container Security Initiative;
from the supply chain of a validated C–TPAT participant and other private sector entities, as appropriate; or
(d) Coordination
The Secretary shall ensure that there is appropriate coordination among the Commandant of the Coast Guard, the Commissioner, and other Federal officials following a maritime disruption or maritime transportation security incident in order to provide for the resumption of trade.
(e) Communication
Consistent with section 941 of this title, the Commandant of the Coast Guard, Commissioner, and other appropriate Federal officials, shall promptly communicate any revised procedures or instructions intended for the private sector following a maritime disruption or maritime transportation security incident.