The Secretary shall establish flexible marketing allotments for sugar for any crop year in which the allotments are required under section 1359bb(b) of this title in accordance with this section.
The allotment for sugar derived from sugarcane shall be further allotted, among the States in the United States in which sugarcane is produced, after a hearing (if requested by the affected sugarcane processors and growers) and on such notice as the Secretary by regulation may prescribe, in a fair and equitable manner as provided in this subsection and section 1359dd(b)(1)(D) of this title.
Prior to the allotment of sugar derived from sugarcane to any other State, 325,000 short tons, raw value shall be allotted to the offshore States.
Except as provided in section 1359ee of this title, a State cane sugar allotment established under subsection (e) for a crop year may be filled only with sugar processed from sugarcane grown in the State covered by the allotment.
Subject to subparagraph (B), the Secretary shall, based on reestimates under section 1359bb(a)(3) of this title, adjust upward or downward marketing allotments in a fair and equitable manner, as the Secretary determines appropriate, to reflect changes in estimated sugar consumption, stocks, production, or imports.
In carrying out subparagraph (A), the Secretary may not reduce the overall allotment quantity to a quantity of less than 85 percent of the estimated quantity of sugar for domestic human consumption for the crop year.
In the case of any increase or decrease in an allotment, each allocation to a processor of the allotment under section 1359dd of this title, and each proportionate share established with respect to the allotment under section 1359ff(c) of this title, shall be increased or decreased by the same percentage that the allotment is increased or decreased.
Whenever a marketing allotment for a crop year is required to be reduced during the crop year under this subsection, if, at the time of the reduction, the quantity of sugar marketed exceeds the processor’s reduced allocation, the allocation of an allotment next established for the processor shall be reduced by the quantity of the excess sugar marketed.