Repayment of a marketing assistance loan for extra long staple cotton shall be at the loan rate established for the commodity under section 7932 of this title, plus interest (determined in accordance with section 7283 of this title).
The loan repayment rate for dry peas, lentils, and small chickpeas shall be based on the quality grades for the applicable commodity specified in section 7932(d) of this title.
For the 2001 crop year only, in the case of the producers on a farm that marketed or otherwise lost beneficial interest in a loan commodity for which a marketing assistance loan was made under section 7231 of this title before repaying the loan, the Secretary shall permit the producers to repay the loan at the appropriate repayment rate that was in effect for the loan commodity under section 7234 of this title on the date that the producers lost beneficial interest, as determined by the Secretary, if the Secretary determines the producers acted in good faith.