criminal law and procedure


An inquest is a judicial fact-finding inquiry. Normally, a coroner and/or jury will request an inquest regarding the cause of the death of an individual who was just killed or suddenly died under mysterious or other suspicious circumstances;...


Insanity is a mental illness or disease that prevents a person from fully understanding their actions. While insanity is primarily a criminal law concept, it can also be found in the laws of contracts and wills. Insanity can be either partial...

insanity and diminished capacity

Insanity and diminished capacity are two related, but distinct legal terms that are relevant in the field of Criminal Law. Both concepts can be used by individuals as defenses against a wide variety of charged crimes. However, the two...

insufficient evidence

Insufficient evidence is the evidence which fails to meet the burden of proof and is inadequate to prove a fact. In a trial, if the prosecution finishes presenting their case and the judge finds they have not met their burden of proof, the...

insurance fraud

Insurance fraud refers to any duplicitous act performed with the intent to obtain an improper payment from an insurer. Like fraud more generally, insurance fraud is both a civil tort and a criminal wrong. The pervasiveness of insurance fraud...

integration clause

An integration clause—sometimes called a merger clause or an entire agreement clause—is a legal provision in Contract Law that states that the terms of a contract are the complete and final agreement between the parties. As such, any previous...


Intent generally refers to the mental objective behind an action. The concept of intent is often the focal point of Criminal Law and is generally shown by circumstantial evidence such as the acts or knowledge of the defendant.

In Criminal...


Broadly speaking, interference in a legal setting is wrongful conduct that prevents or disturbs another in the performance of their usual activities, in the conduct of their business or contractual relations, or in the enjoyment of their full...

International Atomic Energy Agency

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) was established in 1957 to provide assistance to states interested in developing atomic energy. The goal of the IAEA is to establish a system of inspection and control to ensure, inter alia, that...

international crimes

International crime refers to acts that occur across national boundaries that violate international law and are typically prosecuted by international tribunals.

International crimes include genocide, war crimes, crimes...
