A temporary restraining order (TRO) is a short-term pre-trial temporary injunction. To obtain a TRO, a party must convince the judge that they will suffer immediate irreparable injury unless the order is issued. If the judge is convinced...
temporary restraining order (TRO)
Temporary restraining orders (TROs) are a type of short-term injunction issued to prevent a party from taking a certain action until the court is able to issue a more enduring order, such as a preliminary injunction. TROs are a type of...
tender back rule
The tender-back rule, also known as the tender-back doctrine, is a rule that is commonly associated with waiver or release agreements in an employment context. The tender-back rule requires any consideration given to an employee to be given...
tender offer
Tender offer is a public offer to buy shares of a corporation, usually at above market price and with the intention of gaining controlling interest in the target corporation. An acquirer making a tender offer for more than 5% of a corporation...
Tenure, in the legal sense, refers to the medieval arrangements of land use between lords and tenants where the tenants provided service in exchange for use of the land. Today, tenure can sometimes refer broadly to a person’s right to use...
territorial jurisdiction
Territorial jurisdiction is a court’s authority to preside over legal proceedings in a geographical area. Territorial jurisdiction is the scope of a federal and state court’s power and is determined by the governing laws and regulations of...
Terry stop / stop and frisk
A Terry stop is another name for stop and frisk; the name came from the U.S Supreme Court case Terry v. Ohio. The Court in Terry held that a stop-and-frisk must comply with the Fourth Amendment, meaning that the stop-and-frisk cannot be...
In the context of jurisprudence, a test is the standard of evaluating a claim to determine the resolution. To apply a legal test, one must apply the facts in light of the elements needed to satisfy the relevant legal test. Famous examples of...
test case
Test cases refer to legal actions brought with the intention of challenging or receiving clarification on a present law. The strategy usually involves creating a “controversy” to get into a court that otherwise would not lead to a legal...
Testimony is oral or written evidence given by the witness under oath, affidavit, or deposition during a trial or other legal procedures. According to Rule 43 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, testimony taking should be conducted in an...