We have collected some of our favorite resources for information on legislative, regulatory, judicial, and executive responses in the United States to the COVID-19 pandemic and compiled them here for your use:
COVID-19 Laws and Legal Resources from our partners at Justia. This site provides a lot of plain-English answers to Frequently Asked Questions about the economic strife caused by COVID-19. It also contains information broken down by topics such as:
Information for Employees
Eviction Bans and Mortgage Relief
Business Assistance
Taxes and COVID-19
- All-50-State resource locators, also from Justia (this is a running list we will update each time Justia completes one):
- 50-state Guide to Unemployment Benefits
- 50-state Guide to Eviction, Mortgage, and Foreclosure Relief
- 50-state Guide to Stay-at-Home Orders and Reopening Plans
- 50-state Guide to COVID-19 & Taxes
- 50-state Guide to Elections
- 50-state Guide to Bar Exam Modifications
- 50-state Guide to Court Operations During COVID-19
- 50-state Guide to Travel Restrictions During COVID-19
Primarily aimed at lawyers, COVID - 19 Response from our friends at Fastcase nevertheless provides a long list of excellent websites for the general public. Be sure to check out:
State Action Tracking from the National Governors Association (follow the link of Fastcase’s page, then scroll down to see a state-by-state breakdown of executive actions, then keep scrolling for a list of state-by-state resource pages)
Fastcase’s “State Action Dashboards and Local Resources” also includes links to local resources provided by the National League of Cities, the National Conference of State Legislatures, and others
Here is an unemployment benefits calculator from jobs website Zippia.
You’ll find a complete rundown of “formal policy responses of federal courts, immigration courts, and state courts to the Covid-19 public health crisis" at
Courts' Responses to the Covid-19 Crisis from the Brennan Center for Justice.
Lexis Nexis also has taken the unusual step of creating something free for the public called COVID-19 Legislative & Regulatory Updates | State Net to find legislative, regulatory, and executive order information” for the federal government and all fifty states.
This Lawfare blog post contains the legal authority for each state issuing quarantine or isolation orders.
This article lists financial resources available to DACA recipients.
Some industry-specific resources we have found include:
lawyers: a list from Clio of states deeming lawyers essential services
legal education: Our friends at CALI gather resources for law teachers here; and this GitHub forum contains links to open resources
Retail: state-by-state information for retailers
Food: guidance for the food industry from Cornell University
Last updated June 4, 2020 by LII Staff