demonstrative evidence
Demonstrative evidence can be objects, pictures, models, displays, or other devices used in a trial or hearing to support facts that the party is trying to prove. The Federal Rules of Evidence serve as a potential limit to the admissibility of demonstrative evidence, although its broad language would likely allow most forms of relevant demonstrative evidence to be admitted (see Rule 402 ). For example: papers in evidence, and admitted to be in the handwriting of a certain person, may be compared by the jury with a paper in dispute, to determine whether the latter is in the handwriting of the same person ( see Stokes v. U.S. ); in actions for personal injuries, autoptic preference is always proper unless reasons of policy apply to exclude it ( see Rich v. Ellerman & Bucknall S.S. Co. ); when age of person before triers of fact is in issue, triers of fact may draw inference as to person's age from his physical appearance ( see U.S. ex rel Fong On v. Day ); and introduction of tire and rim in a wrongful death action against a tire manufacturer for a defective tire design ( see Walker v. Firestone Tire Rubber Co. ).
[Last reviewed in December of 2020 by the Wex Definitions Team ]