A residence that is fit for human occupation and is free of serious defects that might pose a risk to one's health and safety is considered habitable. By law, landlords in each state must offer habitable premises and maintain them. Although the definition of a habitable dwelling varies from state to state, all agree that basic services (adequate heat, hot water, and plumbing) as well as a sound structure that does not pose unreasonable safety risks are required in every rental . Tenants have various remedies when premises become substandard. See: Landlord-Tenant Law ; rent withholding , and repair and deduct .
In Miller v. Christian , the Third Circuit held that every tenancy agreement has an implied warranty of habitability which casts upon the landlord a duty to keep the premises in “safe and sanitary condition” and fit for habitation.
[Last reviewed in December of 2021 by the Wex Definitions Team ]