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Commercial Email and Spam:

The State of Hawaii has no statutes addressed specifically to commercial email and spam.

Telemarketing and Telephonic Anti-Solicitation:

The Telemarketing Fraud Prevention Act, codified at Hawaii Revised Statutes, Division 2, Title 26, Chapter 481P (§§ 481P-1 and following)

Hawaii also criminalizes telemarketing fraud - see Hawaii Revised Statutes, Division 5, Chapter 708, Part IV (§ 708-835.6)

Faxes, Texts, and Other Media Anti-Solicitation:

Hawaii criminalizes electronic forms of harassment, and harassment by means of fax messages - see Hawaii Revised States, Division 5, Chapter 711 (§§ 711-1106 & 1106.1)

Unlawful Trade Practices:

Uniform Deceptive Trade Practices Act, codified at Hawaii Revised Statutes, Division 2, Title 26, Chapter 481A (§§ 481A-1 and following)

Computer-related Crime:

Hawaii criminalizes electronic forms of harassment - see Hawaii Revised States, Division 5, Chapter 711 (§§ 711-1106 & 1106.1)