Women and Justice: Keywords

Domestic Case Law

Van Zijl v. Hoogenhout Supreme Court of Appeal of South Africa (Hoogste Hof van Appèl van Suid Afrika) (2004)

Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement

The appellant suffered years of sexual abuse by her uncle, the respondent, during her childhood. She sued him for damages at the age of 48 and the respondent claimed that her suit should have been brought within one year of her attaining her majority. The Court held that the victim of sexual abuse as a child who only in adulthood acquired an appreciation of the responsibility of the abuser for the abuse may sue the abuser within three years of acquiring that appreciation.

Die appêlant het jare se seksuele mishandeling deur haar oom, die respondent, tydens haar kinderdae gely. Sy het hom gedagvaar vir skadevergoeding op die ouderdom van 48 en die respondent het beweer dat sy haar saak binne een jaar van haar mondigwording moes gebring het. Die hof het beslis dat die slagoffer van seksuele mishandeling as kind wat slegs in volwassenheid 'n gewaarwording vir die verantwoordelikheid van die molesteerder vir die misbruik verkry het. Die gemolesteerde kan binne drie jaar van die gewaarwording (bewuswording), die molesteerder dagvaar.