Women and Justice: Keywords

Domestic Case Law

Muhammad Siddique v. State High Court of Pakistan (2002)

Harmful traditional practices, Honor crimes (or honour crimes)

Murder conviction for father's honor killing of daughter, son-in-law and grandchild upheld on the grounds that an honor killing is murder. The Court found that "[n]o tradition is sacred, no convention is indispensable and no precedent worth emulation if it does not stand the test of civil society's fundamental principles. In particular, the law must reflect changing needs and promote social progress. Accordingly, any judicial response to S's crime must serve as a deterrent. Any other response could amount to appeasement or endorsement since a society which fails to effectively punish such offenders becomes privy to their crimes."

Muhammad Akram Khan v. State Supreme Court of Pakistan (2001)

Harmful traditional practices, Honor crimes (or honour crimes)

The Supreme Court for the first time ever approached the issue of honor killings from a victim's rights perspective. The Court found that no one had the right to take law into their own hands to take a life in the name of ghairat. The Court stated that "neither the land nor the religion permits so-called honour killing, which amounts to murder simpliciter." The Court added that such a murder was a violation of the Fundamental right to life of the victim as enshrined in Article 9 of the Constitution, which states that no person would be deprived of life and liberty except in accordance with law and any custom or usage in that respect is void under Article 8(I) of the Constitution.