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Douglas v. CTML Pty Ltd.

The decision of the tribunal was only in relation to whether to approve the respondent’s application to dismiss the complaint.  The respondent’s application was denied because there were real factual issues in dispute.  It appears that the substantive trial has not yet commenced (or alternatively a settlement was reached).  In any case, this case is relevant as it illustrates the discrimination women may face in Australia when seeking to establish themselves in a secure environment and raise their children.  The complainant was a single mother who sought to rent an apart

McCauley v. Club Resort Holdings Pty Ltd.

The complainant worked at the Club Resort Holdings Pty Ltd., the respondent.  She was working in a cold larder preparing food when a colleague sexually harassed her.  The complainant sought an investigation by their employer.  The complainant alleged that the employer improperly conducted this investigation, resulting in further distress for the complainant and her needing to take several months of work.  Ultimately, she resigned.  The complainant also alleged that their mutual employer was vicariously liable for these acts as a result of a failure to take “reasonab

McRostie v. Boral Resources

The complainant was an employee of the respondent company. The complainant filed this complaint against the respondent primarily for appointing a man, J., in the position of Administration Manager without advertising the position and therefore not giving the complainant an opportunity to compete for the position.

R.A. v. N.C.

The complainant was a Muslim woman who wore a hijab covering her hair.  While the complainant and the respondent were in a residential elevator, the defendant made disrespectful remarks to the complainant about the complainant’s presumed religion.The two did not know each other – the complainant’s hijab was the only way for the defendant to identify her religion.  The complainant sought an apology.  Video evidence was submitted at trial from CCTV.  Importantly, there was an additional individual in the lift.  As a result of this witness, the tribunal was able t

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