10 CFR § 50.74 - Notification of change in operator or senior operator status.
§ 50.74 Notification of change in operator or senior operator status.
Each licensee shall notify the appropriate NRC contact, as described in § 55.5 of this chapter, within 30 days of the following in regard to a licensed operator or senior operator:
(a) Permanent reassignment from the position for which the licensee has certified the need for a licensed operator or senior operator under § 55.31(a)(3) of this chapter;
(b) Termination of any operator or senior operator;
(c) Permanent disability or illness as described in § 55.25 of this chapter.
[52 FR 9469, Mar. 25, 1987, as amended at 60 FR 13616, Mar. 14, 1995; 68 FR 58809, Oct. 10, 2003; 86 FR 67842, Nov. 30, 2021]