14 CFR Subpart D - Subpart D—Rules of Practice for FAA Hearings
- § 13.31 Applicability.
- § 13.33 Parties, representatives, and notice of appearance.
- § 13.35 Request for hearing, complaint, and answer.
- § 13.37 Hearing officer: Assignment and powers.
- § 13.39 Disqualification of hearing officer.
- § 13.41 Separation of functions and prohibition on ex parte communications.
- § 13.43 Service and filing of pleadings, motions, and documents.
- § 13.44 [Reserved]
- § 13.45 Computation of time and extension of time.
- § 13.47 Withdrawal or amendment of the complaint, answer, or other filings.
- § 13.49 Motions.
- § 13.51 Intervention.
- § 13.53 Discovery.
- § 13.55 Notice of hearing.
- § 13.57 Subpoenas and witness fees.
- § 13.59 Evidence.
- § 13.61 Argument and submittals.
- § 13.63 Record, decision, and aircraft registration proceedings.
- § 13.65 Appeal to the Administrator, reconsideration, and judicial review.
- § 13.67 Procedures for expedited proceedings.
- § 13.69 Other matters: Alternative dispute resolution, standing orders, and forms.
Docket No. FAA-2018-1051; Amdt. No. 13-40, 86 FR 54532, Oct. 1, 2021, unless otherwise noted.