20 CFR § 667.645 - What procedures apply to the appeals of non-designation of local areas?

§ 667.645 What procedures apply to the appeals of non-designation of local areas?

(a) A unit or combination of units of general local government or rural concentrated employment program grant recipient (as described in WIA section 116(a)(2)(B)) whose appeal of the denial of a request for automatic or temporary and subsequent designation as a local workforce investment area to the State Board has not resulted in designation may appeal the denial of local area designation to the Secretary.

(b) Appeals made under paragraph (a) of this section must be filed no later than 30 days after receipt of written notification of the denial from the State Board, and must be submitted by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the Secretary, U.S. Department of Labor, Washington, DC 20210, Attention: ASET. A copy of the appeal must be simultaneously provided to the State Board.

(c) The appellant must establish that it was not accorded procedural rights under the appeal process set forth in the State Plan, or establish that it meets the requirements for designation in WIA section 116(a)(2) or (a)(3). The Secretary may consider any comments submitted in response by the State Board.

(d) If the Secretary determines that the appellant has met its burden of establishing that it was not accorded procedural rights under the appeal process set forth in the State Plan, or that it meets the requirements for designation in WIA section 116(a)(2) or (a)(3), the Secretary may require that the area be designated as a local workforce investment area.

(e) The Secretary must issue a written decision to the Governor and the appellant.