24 CFR § 92.210 - Troubled HOME-assisted rental housing projects.

§ 92.210 Troubled HOME-assisted rental housing projects.
Link to an amendment published at 90 FR 869, Jan. 6, 2025.

(a) The provisions of this section apply only to an existing HOME- assisted rental project that, within the HOME period of affordability, is no longer financially viable. For purposes of this section, a HOME assisted rental project is no longer financially viable if its operating costs significantly exceed its operating revenue. HUD may approve one or both of the actions described in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section to strategically preserve a rental project after consideration of market needs, available resources, and the likelihood of long-term viability of the project.

(b) Notwithstanding § 92.214, a participating jurisdiction may request and HUD may permit, pursuant to a written memorandum of agreement, a participating jurisdiction to invest additional HOME funds in the existing HOME-assisted rental project. The total HOME funding for the project (original investment plus additional investment) must not exceed the per-unit subsidy limit in § 92.250(a). The use of HOME funds may include, but is not limited to, rehabilitation of the HOME units and recapitalization of project reserves for the HOME units (to fund capital costs). If additional HOME funds are invested, HUD may require the period of affordability to be extended, based on such considerations as the amount of additional HOME funds or additional units.

(c) HUD Headquarters may, through written approval, permit the participating jurisdiction to reduce the number of HOME-assisted units, if the project contains more than the minimum number of units required to be designated as HOME-assisted under § 92.205(d). In determining whether to permit a reduction in the number of HOME-assisted units, HUD will take into account the required period of affordability and the amount of HOME assistance provided to the project.

[78 FR 44669, July 24, 2013]