33 CFR § 165.1713 - Safety Zone; City of Valdez Annual Fireworks Display within the Captain of the Port, Prince William Sound Zone, Port Valdez; Valdez, AK.

§ 165.1713 Safety Zone; City of Valdez Annual Fireworks Display within the Captain of the Port, Prince William Sound Zone, Port Valdez; Valdez, AK.

(a) Regulated area. The following area is a safety zone: All waters of Port Valdez, from surface to bottom, within a 200-yard radius from a position of 61°07′22″ N and 146°21′13″ W. These coordinates are based on the 1984 World Geodetic System (WGS 84). This includes the entrance to the Valdez small boat harbor.

(b) Definitions. As used in this section, designated representative means any Coast Guard commissioned, warrant or petty officer of the U.S. Coast Guard and a Federal, State, and local officer designated by or assisting the Captain of the Port Prince William Sound (COTP) in the enforcement of the safety zone. The term “official patrol vessel” may consist of any Coast Guard, Coast Guard Auxiliary, State, or local law enforcement vessels assigned or approved by the COTP Prince William Sound.

(c) Regulations.

(1) The general safety zone regulations contained in subpart C of this part, as well as the following regulations, apply.

(2) The safety zone is closed to all vessel traffic, except as may be permitted by the COTP or the designated representative during periods of enforcement.

(3) All persons and vessels shall comply with the instructions of the COTP or the designated representative. Upon being hailed by a designated representative by siren, radio, flashing light, or other means, the operator of the vessel shall proceed as directed.

(4) Anyone desiring to enter or operate within the regulated area may request permission from the COTP via VHF Channel 16 or (907) 835-7205 (Prince William Sound Vessel Traffic Center) to request permission to do so.

(5) The COTP may be aided by other Federal, State, borough, and local law enforcement officials in the enforcement of this section.

(d) Enforcement period. This section will be enforced from 7:30 p.m. until 9 p.m. on December 31st of each year, or during the same time frame on specified weather delay dates January 1st through January 5th each year.

[89 FR 61348, July 31, 2024]