34 CFR § 200.9 - Deferral of assessments.

§ 200.9 Deferral of assessments.

(a) A State may defer the start or suspend the administration of the assessments required under § 200.2 for one year for each year for which the amount appropriated for State assessment grants under section 1002(b) of the Act is less than $369,100,000.

(b) A State may not cease the development of the assessments referred to in paragraph (a) of this section even if sufficient funds are not appropriated under section 1002(b) of the Act.

(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1221e-3, 3474, 6302(b), 6311(b)(2)(I), 6363(a), and 6571)
[81 FR 88938, Dec. 8, 2016]