34 CFR § 222.64 - When is a local educational agency eligible as a new applicant for payment under section 8003(b)(2)(C)?

§ 222.64 When is a local educational agency eligible as a new applicant for payment under section 8003(b)(2)(C)?

A new heavily impacted LEA must have—



(i) Federally connected children equal to at least 50 percent of the total number of children in average daily attendance (ADA) in the LEA if children described in section 8003(a)(1)(F)-(G) are eligible to be counted for a section 8003(b)(1) payment; or

(ii) Federally connected children equal to at least 40 percent of the total number of children in ADA if children described in section 8003(a)(1)(F)-(G) are not eligible to be counted for a section 8003(b)(1) payment; and


(i) If the LEA has a total ADA of more than 350 children,

(A) A per pupil expenditure (PPE) that is less than the average of the State in which the LEA is located; and

(B) A tax rate for general fund purposes equal to at least 95 percent of the average tax rate of comparable LEAs identified in § 222.74 or of all LEAs in the applicant's State; or

(ii) If the LEA has a total ADA of less than 350 children,

(A) A PPE that is less than the average PPE of one or three generally comparable LEAs identified in § 222.74(b); and

(B) A tax rate equal to at least 95 percent of the average tax rate of one or three generally comparable LEAs identified in § 222.74(b);

(b) The same boundaries as those of a Federal military installation; or


(1) The same boundaries as island property held in trust by the Federal government;

(2) No taxing authority; and

(3) Received a payment under section 8003(b)(1) for fiscal year 2001.

(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 7703(b)(2))