36 CFR § 1254.10 - For how long and where is my researcher identification card valid?

§ 1254.10 For how long and where is my researcher identification card valid?

(a) Your card is valid for 1 year and may be renewed. Cards we issue at one NARA facility are valid at each facility, except as described in paragraph (b) of this section. Cards are not transferable and you must present your card if a guard or research room attendant requests to see it.

(b) At NARA facilities in the Washington, DC, area and other NARA facilities that issue and use plastic researcher identification cards as part of their security systems, we issue a plastic card to replace the paper card issued at some NARA facilities at no charge. The plastic card is valid at all NARA facilities.

[69 FR 39314, June 30, 2004, as amended at 75 FR 10415, Mar. 8, 2010]