38 CFR § 38.628 - Allowance for caskets and urns for unclaimed remains of veterans.
(a) VA will issue a flat-rate allowance, as established in paragraph (d) of this section, to any individual or entity for a casket or urn, purchased by the individual or entity for the burial in a national cemetery or in a veterans' cemetery of a State or Tribal Organization that has received a grant under 38 U.S.C. 2408, of an eligible deceased veteran for whom VA:
(1) Is unable to identify the veteran's next-of-kin; and
(2) Determines that sufficient resources are otherwise unavailable to furnish the casket or urn.
(b) For purposes of satisfying the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section, VA will rely entirely on the requesting individual's or entity's certification as required under paragraphs (c)(2) and (3) of this section.
(c) An individual or entity may request an allowance from VA under paragraph (a) of this section by completing and submitting VA Form 40-10088 and supporting documentation, in accordance with the instructions on the form. Prior to approving issuance of an allowance, VA must find all of the following:
(1) The veteran is eligible for burial in a VA national cemetery or in a veterans' cemetery of a State or Tribal Organization that has received a grant under 38 U.S.C. 2408;
(2) The individual or entity has certified that they cannot identify the veteran's next-of-kin, or that an identified next-of-kin is unwilling or unable to assume responsibility for the deceased veteran's burial arrangements, and that the individual or entity has followed applicable state or local law relating to the disposition of unclaimed remains;
(3) The individual or entity has certified that, to the best of their knowledge, sufficient resources are otherwise unavailable to furnish the casket or urn;
(4) The invoice presented by the individual or entity clearly indicates the purchase price of the casket or urn purchased by the individual or entity; and
(5) The invoice presented by the individual or entity contains information sufficient for VA to determine, in conjunction with a visual inspection, that the casket or urn meets the following standards:
(i) Caskets must be of metal construction of at least 20-gauge thickness, designed for containing human remains, sufficient to contain the remains of the deceased veteran, and include external fixed rails or swing arm handles.
(ii) Urns must be of a durable construction, such as durable plastic, wood, metal, or ceramic, designed to contain cremated human remains, and include a secure closure to contain the cremated remains.
(d) The allowance for a claim received in any calendar year under paragraph (a) of this section is $1,199.00 for a metal casket and $138.00 for an urn of durable material.
(e) VA will make cost-of-living adjustments for the flat-rate casket and urn allowances using the Consumer Price Index (CPI). Each fiscal year, VA will provide a percentage increase (rounded to the nearest dollar) in the casket and urn flat-rate allowances equal to the percentage by which the CPI (all items, United States city average) for the 12-month period (June to June) preceding the beginning of the fiscal year for which the percentage increase is made exceeds the CPI for the 12-month period preceding the 12-month period described in this paragraph (e). VA will only make cost-of-living increases to the flat rate allowances when the CPI has increased.