40 CFR § 35.4065 - How can my group get more than $50,000?

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§ 35.4065 How can my group get more than $50,000?

(a) The EPA regional office award official for your grant may waive your group's $50,000 limit if your group demonstrates that:

(1) If it received previous TAG funds, you managed those funds effectively; and

(2) Site(s) characteristics indicate additional funds are necessary due to the nature or volume of site-related information. In this case, three of the ten factors below must occur:

(i) A Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study (“RI/FS”) costing more than $2 million is performed;

(ii) Treatability studies or evaluation of new and innovative technologies are required as specified in the Record of Decision;

(iii) EPA reopens the Record of Decision;

(iv) The site public health assessment (or related activities) indicates the need for further health investigations and/or health promotion activities;

(v) EPA designates one or more additional operable units after awarding the TAG;

(vi) The agency leading the cleanup issues an “Explanation of Significant Differences” (ESD);

(vii) A legislative or regulatory change results in new site information after EPA awards the TAG;

(viii) EPA expects a cleanup lasting more than eight years from the beginning of the RI/FS through construction completion;

(ix) Significant public concern exists, where large groups of people in the community require many meetings, copies, etc.; and

(x) Any other factor that, in EPA's judgment, indicates that the site is unusually complex.

(b) Your group can also receive more than $50,000 if you are geographically close to more than one eligible site (for example, two or more sites × $50,000 = grant of $100,000) and your group wishes to receive funding for technical assistance to address multiple eligible sites.