40 CFR § 49.168 - Does this program apply to me?
(a) In a nonattainment area for a pollutant in Indian country, the requirements of this program apply to you under either of the following circumstances:
(1) If you propose to construct a new major source (as defined in part 51, Appendix S, paragraph II.A.4 of this chapter) of the nonattainment pollutant.
(2) If you propose to construct a major modification at your existing major source (as defined in part 51, Appendix S, paragraph II.A.5 of this chapter), where your source is a major source of the nonattainment pollutant and the proposed modification is a major modification for the nonattainment pollutant.
(b) If you own or operate a major source with a state-issued nonattainment major NSR permit, you must apply to convert such permit to a Federal permit under this program by September 4, 2012.
(c) If you propose to establish a synthetic minor source or synthetic minor HAP source or to construct a minor modification at your major source, you will have to comply with the requirements of the Federal minor NSR program in Indian country at §§ 49.151 through 49.165 or other EPA-approved minor NSR program, as applicable.