40 CFR § 49.169 - Permit approval criteria.
(a) What are the general criteria for permit approval? The general review criteria for permits are provided in part 51, Appendix S, paragraph II.B of this chapter. In summary, that paragraph basically requires the reviewing authority to ensure that the proposed new major source or major modification would meet all applicable emission requirements in the EPA-approved implementation plan or FIP, any applicable new source performance standard in part 60 of this chapter and any applicable national emission standards for hazardous air pollutants in part 61 or part 63 of this chapter, before a permit can be issued.
(b) What are the program-specific criteria for permit approval? The approval criteria or conditions for obtaining a major NSR permit for major sources and major modifications locating in nonattainment areas are given in part 51, Appendix S, paragraph IV.A of this chapter. In summary, these are the following:
(1) The lowest achievable emission rate (LAER) requirement for any NSR pollutant subject to this program.
(2) Certification that all existing major sources owned or operated by you in the same state as the state including the Tribal land where the proposed source or modification is locating are in compliance or under a compliance schedule.
(3) Emissions reductions (offsets) requirement for any source or modification subject to this program.
(4) A demonstration that the emission offsets will provide a net air quality benefit in the affected area.
(5) An analysis of alternative sites, sizes, production processes and environmental control techniques for such proposed source that demonstrates that the benefits of the proposed source significantly outweigh the environmental and social costs imposed as a result of its location, construction or modification.