40 CFR § 52.385 - EPA-approved Connecticut regulations.

§ 52.385 EPA-approved Connecticut regulations.

The following table identifies the State regulations which have been submitted to and approved by EPA as revisions to the Connecticut State Implementation Plan. This table is for informational purposes only and does not have any independent regulatory effect. To determine regulatory requirements for a specific situation, consult the plan identified in § 52.370. To the extent that this table conflicts with § 52.370, § 52.370 governs.

Table 52.385—EPA-Approved Regulations

Connecticut State citation Title/subject Dates Federal Register citation Section 52.370 Comments/description
Date adopted by State Date approved by EPA
19-508 Connecticut Air Implementation Plan 3/3/72 5/31/72 37 FR 10842 (c) 1&2 State of CT Air Implementation Plan.
8/10/1972 5/14/1973 38 FR 12696 (c) 3 Correction to submission dates for supplemental information.
4/9/1974 6/2/1975 40 FR 23746 (c) 5 Identification of Air Quality Maintenance Areas.
8/10/1976 11/29/1977 42 FR 60753 (c) 7 Adds carbon monoxide/oxidant control strategy and regulations.
6/30/1977 9/29/1978 43 FR 44840 (c) 8 Describes air quality surveillance program.
22a-171 Small Business Assistance 1/12/1993 5/19/1994 59 FR 26123 (c) 65 Established small business compliance and technical assistance program.
22a-174-1 Definitions 3/15/2002 2/27/2003 68 FR 9011 Adopting definitions applicable to PSD/NSR program.
22a-174-1 Definitions 4/7/2014 6/24/2015 80 FR 36242 (c)(106) Amendment of subdivisions (10) ambient air quality standard and (88) PM 10.
22a-174-1 Definitions 9/10/2012 7/24/2015 80 FR 43960 (c)(108) Modified definition of “major source baseline date” for purposes of adding PM2.5.
22a-174-1 Definitions 2/1/2010 9/1/2016 81 FR 60274 (c)(113) Approved 22a-174-1(19) definition of “brush” for purposes of Connecticut General Statutes (CGS) Section 22a-174(f); see paragraph (c)(113)(A) of this section.
22a-174-1 Definitions 10/5/2017 8/1/2017 83 FR 37437 c (118) Modified definition of “minor source baseline date” for purposes of adding PM2.5.
22a-174-1 Definitions 11/13/2023 2/12/2024 89 FR 9771 (c)(130) Modified definition of “severe non-attainment area for ozone”.
22a-174-2 Registration requirements for existing stationary sources of air pollutants 4/4/1972 5/31/1972 37 FR 23085 (b).
8/31/1979 12/23/1980 45 FR 84769 (c) 11 In tandem with changes to Regulation 3, sources existing prior to 1972 must register.
22a-174-2a Procedural Requirements for New Source Review and Title V Permitting 3/15/2002 2/27/2003 68 FR 9011 Provisions applicable to PSD/NSR in consolidated permit procedural requirements.
22a-174-2a Procedural Requirements for New Source Review and Title V Permitting 9/10/2012 7/24/2015 80 FR 43960 (c)(107) Only sections 22a-174-2a(b)(5)(E) and (b)(6) are being approved.
22a-174-2a Procedural Requirements for New Source Review and Title V Permitting 11/18/2020 9/5/2023 88 FR 60591 (c)(129) Revisions made to 22a-174-2a(c)(3), 22a-174-2a(d)(9), 22a-174-2a(e)(3)(C), 22a-174-2a(e)(3)(E), 22a-174-2a(e)(7), 22a-174-2a(f)(2), and 22a-174-2a(f)(2)(G).
22a-174-3 Permits for construction and operation of stationary sources 4/4/1972 5/31/1972 37 FR 23085 (b) Conditional approval of NSR program.
8/30/1979 12/23/1980 45 FR 84769 (c)11 EPA conditionally approved changes to meet federal New Source Review (NSR) requirements. CT did not submit Prevention of Significant Determination program.
8/31/1979 1/7/1982 47 FR 762 (c) 20 Final approval of NSR Rules removing conditions of 12/23/80.
10/10/1980 1/7/1982 47 FR 762 (c) 20 Allows conditional exemption of resource recovery facilities from offset transactions.
10/10/1980 1/7/1982 47 FR 762 (c) 20 Replaces the word “actual” with word “allowable”.
12/27/1988 2/23/1993 58 FR 10957 (c) 56 Changes to NSR and PSD requirements.
22a-174-3a Permit to Construct and Operate Stationary Sources 3/15/2002 2/27/2003 68 FR 9011 PSD/NSR program requirements as revised by the CAAA.
22a-174-3a Permit to Construct and Operate Stationary Sources 4/7/2014 6/24/2015 80 FR 36242 (c)(106) Amendment of subsection (k)(5) Ambient Monitoring.
22a-174-3a Permit to Construct and Operate Stationary Sources 9/10/2012 7/24/2015 80 FR 43960 (c)(108) Added Ambient Impact values for PM2.5 in Table 3a(i)-1, Significant Emission Rate Thresholds for PM2.5 emissions and its precursors in Table 3a(k)-1, PM2.5 increment added to Table 3a(k)-2, and PM2.5 added to section 22a-174-3a(l)(4)(B)(iv). Revised section 22a-174-3a(l)(1).
22a-174-3a Permit to Construct and Operate Stationary Sources 10/5/2017 8/1/2017 83 FR 37437 c (118) Amendment of subsection (k)(1)(C).
22a-174-3a Permit to Construct and Operate Stationary Sources 2/8/2018 2/15/2019 84 FR 4338 (c)(120) Revised section 22a-174-3a(a)(1) entitled “Applicability,” section 22a-174-3a(j)(1) for when control technology applies, and sections 22a-174-3a(k)(1) and (2) regarding applicability of GHGs for major stationary sources and major modifications.
22a-174-3a Permit to Construct and Operate Stationary Sources 11/18/2020 9/5/2023 88 FR 60591 (c)(129) Revisions made to 22a-174-3a(a)(2)(A)(ii) through (v), 22a-174-3a(a)(5), 22a-174-3a(d)(3)(B) and (C), 22a-174-3a(i) Table 3a(i)-1, 22a-174-3a(i)(2), 22a-174-3a(j)(1)(B), 22a-174-3a(j)(8)(A), 22a-174-3a(k)(3) and (4), 22a-174-3a(k)(6)(A), 22a-174-3a(k)(7) Table 3a(k)-1, and 22a-174-3a(l)(1).
22a-174-3b Permits for construction and operation of stationary sources 4/4/2006 8/31/2006 71 FR 51761 (c)(95) Only the automotive refinishing requirements of 22a-174-3b are being approved. Connecticut did not submit the other subsections of the rule as part of its SIP revision.
22a-174-4 Source monitoring, record keeping, reporting and authorization of inspection of air pollution sources 4/4/1972 5/31/1972 37 FR 23085 (b).
10/31/1977 12/23/1980 45 FR 84769 (c) 11 Clarifies record keeping and reporting requirements and rescinds smoke monitoring requirements for small sources.
12/15/1980 8/24/1982 47 FR 36822 (c) 20 Rescinded requirements for smoke monitors on sources less than 250 mmBtu.
12/27/1988 2/23/1993 58 FR 10957 (c) 56 Changes to opacity continuous emission monitoring (CEM) requirements.
22a-174-4 Source monitoring, record keeping, and reporting 4/1/2004 7/16/2014 79 FR 41427 (c)(104) Replaced by 22a-174-4a, see (c)(131).
22a-174-4a Source monitoring, record keeping, and reporting 10/28/2022 7/8/2024 89 FR 55888 (c)(131) Replaces 22a-174-4.
22a-174-5 Methods for sampling, emission testing, and reporting 4/4/1972 5/31/1972 37 FR 23085 (b).
10/5/1977 12/23/1980 45 FR 84769 (c) 11 Tied State testing method requirement to federal requirements, clarified requirements for stack testing, and eliminated record keeping and reporting requirements.
12/19/1980 8/28/1981 46 FR 43418 (c) 16 Revisions to source monitoring and stack testing requirements for SO2.
22a-174-5 Methods for sampling, emission testing, sample analysis and reporting 4/15/2014 5/25/2016 81 FR 33134 (c)(111) Revision to section 22a-174-5(b)(1).
22a-174-6 Air Pollution Emergency Episode Procedures 4/4/1972 5/31/1972 37 FR 23085 (b).
8/31/1979 12/23/1980 45 FR 84769 (c) 11 Allows DEP to separately limit mobile and stationary sources depending upon the cause of the episode.
22a-174-7 Malfunction of Control Equipment; Reporting 4/4/1972 5/31/1972 37 FR 23085 (b).
22a-174-7 Air pollution control equipment and monitoring equipment operation 4/1/2004 7/16/2014 79 FR 41427 (c)(104)
22a-174-8 Compliance Plans and Schedules 4/4/1972 5/31/1972 37 FR 23085 (b).
22a-174-8 Compliance Plans and Schedules 12/22/2016 7/31/2017 82 FR 35454 (c)(116) Minor edit to update citation.
22a-174-9 Prohibition of air pollution 4/4/1972 5/31/1972 37 FR 23085 (b).
8/31/1979 12/23/1980 45 FR 84769 (c) 11 Non-substantive numbering change.
8/31/1979 8/12/1983 48 FR 36579 (c) 11. Full authority delegated for NSPS and NESHAPS.
12/6/1991 56 FR 63875 Delegation of new subparts.
22a-174-10 Public Availability of Information. 4/4/1972 5/31/1972 37 FR 23085 (b).
22a-174-11 Prohibition against concealment of circumvention. 4/4/1972 5/31/1972 37 FR 23085 (b).
22a-174-12 Violations and enforcement 4/4/1972 5/31/1972 37 FR 23085 (b).
22a-174-13 Variances 4/4/1972 5/31/1972 37 FR 23085 (b).
8/31/1979 12/23/1980 45 FR 84769 (c) 11 Non-substantive numbering change.
22a-174-14 Compliance with regulation no defense to nuisance claim 4/4/1972 5/31/1972 37 FR 10842 (b).
22a-174-15 Severability 4/4/1972 5/31/1972 37 FR 10842 (b).
22a-174-16 Responsibility to comply with applicable regulations 4/4/1972 5/31/1972 37 FR 10842 (b).
22a-174-17 Control of open burning 4/4/1972 5/31/1972 37 FR 10842 (b).
22a-174-17 (formerly 19-508-17) Control of Open Burning 4/4/1972 9/1/2016 81 FR 60274 (b)(2) DEEP regulation to control open burning. Paragraph (b) was revised 9/1/16 by redesignating paragraph (b) as (b)(1) and adding paragraph (b)(2) to read as follows: This rule, formerly known as Section 19-508-17, which was approved in paragraph (b)(1), is removed from the SIP and replaced by Connecticut General Statute (CGS) section 22a-174(f) and RCSA section 22a-174-1(19); see paragraph (c)(113)(A) of this section.
22a-174-18 Control of Particulate Matter and Visible Emissions 8/3/2018 10/29/2020 85 FR 68472 (c)(124) Approval of revisions to subsections (c), (f), and (j).
22a-174-19 Control of sulfur compound emissions 4/4/1972 5/31/1972 37 FR 23085 (b).
11/30/1973 4/16/1974 39 FR 13651 52.375 Allowed Hartford Electric Light and Connecticut Power and Light to use nonconforming fuel.
4/3/1979 7/30/1979 44 FR 44498 (c) 10 Allowed Northeast Utilities to purchase, store, and burn nonconforming fuel.
9/8/1980 4/27/1981 46 FR 23412 (c) 12 Variance for Federal Paperboard, Inc.
12/19/1980 & 3/11/1981 8/28/1981 46 FR 43418 (c) 14 Amends sulfur control strategy.
3/11/1981 & 7/15/1981 8/28/1981 46 FR 43418 (c) 15 Amends New Source Ambient Impact Analysis Guideline.
3/17/1981 10/23/1981 46 FR 51914 (c) 17 Variance for Uniroyal, Inc.
11/2/1981 11/18/1981 46 FR 56612 (c) 18 Approval State Energy Trade program.
11/14/1975 11/18/1981 46 FR 56612 52.380 (e)(1) EPA disapproval revision which allows exemption for home heating with coal, historic demonstrations, and other small sources.
11/12/1981 12/22/1981 46 FR 62062 (c) 19 Variances for United Technologies Corp., Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Division facilities in New Haven and Middletown.
7/7/1981 11/12/1982 47 FR 51129 (c) 24 Variance for Sikorsky Aircraft—approved under the State Energy Trade Program.
5/27/1982 2/8/1983 48 FR 5723 (c) 26 Variance for Dow Chemical—approved under the State Energy Trade Program.
12/15/1982 5/4/1983 48 FR 20051 (c) 27 Variance for Lydall, Inc.—approved under the State Energy trade (SET) Program.
11/1/1982 6/28/1983 48 FR 29689 (c) 28 Simkins Industries—approved under the State Energy Trade Program.
3/28/1983 12/20/1983 48 FR 56218 (c) 30 Variance for Loomis Institute—approved under the State Energy Trade Program.
2/19/1993 1/18/1994 59 FR 2531 (c) 63 Changes requirements at Himilton Standard Division of UTC.
22a-174-19 Control of Sulfur Compound Emissions 4/15/2014 5/25/2016 81 FR 33134 (c)(111) Revises section 22a-174-19.
22a-174-19a Control of sulfur dioxide emissions from power plants and other large stationary sources of air pollution 12/28/2000 7/10/2014 79 FR 39322 (c)(103) Approves the sulfur dioxide emission standards and fuel sulfur limits for units subject to the CT NOX Budget program. The following sections were not submitted as part of the SIP: Sections (a)(5); (a)(8); (a)(11); (d); (e)(4); (f); (g); (h); and in (i)(2) reference to (e)(4).
Section 22a-174-19a(c) was repealed by the State of Connecticut effective April 15, 2014 and removed from the SIP without replacement effective May 25, 2016.
22a-174-19a Control of sulfur dioxide emissions from power plants and other stationary sources of air pollution 4/15/2014 5/25/2016 81 FR 33134 (c)(111) Withdraws section 22a-174-19a(c) previously approved in paragraph 52.370(c)(103) and revises sections 22a-174-19a(e) and 22a-174-19a(i).
22a-174-19b Fuel Sulfur Content Limitations for Stationary Sources 4/15/2014 5/25/2016 81 FR 33134 (c)(111) Addition of a new regulation with the exception of subsection (e) which was not submitted by the State.
22a-174-20 Control of organic compound emissions 4/4/1972 5/31/1972 37 FR 23085 (b).
8/31/1979 12/23/1980 45 FR 84769 (c) 11 Requirements for certain Group I CTG source categories. Conditionally approved cutback asphalt and solvent metal cleaning categories.
10/10/1980 1/17/1982 47 FR 762 (c) 20 Requirements for cutback asphalt (Group I—CTG).
10/10/1980 2/17/1982 47 FR 6827 (c) 25 Requirements for Group II CTGs exclusive of controlling gasoline tank truck leaks, petroleum liquid storage external floating roof tanks, manufacture of vegetable oil, pneumatic rubber tire categories. Other VOC rules.
10/10/1980 6/7/1982 47 FR 24452 (c) 23 Alternative emission reduction provisions.
12/10/1982 2/1/1984 49 FR 3989 (c) 29 Requirements for small open top degreasers (Group I—CTG).
9/24/1983 2/1/1984 49 FR 3989 (c) 29 Exempts colds cleaners at auto repair facilities.
9/24/1983 3/21/1984 49 FR 10542 (c) 32 Adds degreasing requirements for conveyorized and cold cleaning operations.
8/31/1979 3/21/1984 49 FR 10542 (c) 32 Requirements for solvent metal cleaning (Group I CTG).
9/24/1983 3/21/1984 49 FR 10542 (c) 32 Exempts storage vessels from submerged fill. Delays effective date of Stage I vapor recovery by 1 year. Requires RACT for all major sources of VOC not covered under a CTG document.
9/24/1983 10/19/1984 49 FR 41026 (c) 33 Adds major non-ctg sources covered by 20(ee) to applicability, compliance, alternative emission reduction and seasonal operation after burner provisions.
12/13/1984 7/18/1985 50 FR 29229 (c) 34 Revision to cutback asphalt regulation. Requires facilities with external floating roofs to install secondary seats. Changes to gasoline tank truck regulation.
4/23/1986 11/20/1986 51 FR 41963 (c) 36 VOC RACT for Connecticut Charcoal Company.
4/28/1986 2/19/1987 52 FR 5104 (c) 37 VOC RACT for King Industries.
8/8/1987 12/17/1987 52 FR 47925 (c) 39 VOC RACT for Belding Corticelli Thread Company.
5/28/1986 2/17/1988 51 FR 4621 (c) 41 Effective date clarification for Connecticut Charcoal.
9/24/1987 4/11/1988 53 FR 11847 (c) 42 VOC RACT for Raymark Industries, Inc.
2/2/1987 5/19/1988 53 FR 17934 (c) 38 Clarifies applicability of VOC compliance methods for surface coating sources.
3/17/1987 5/19/1988 53 FR 17934 (c) 38 Adds regulations for SOCMI fugitive leaks and polystyrene resins.
8/21/1987 7/12/1988 53 FR 26256 (c) 44 VOC RACT for Spongex International Ltd.
12/26/1986 8/1/1988 53 FR 28884 (c) 43 VOC RACT for American Cyanamid Company.
10/27/1988 3/8/1989 54 FR 9781 (c) 48 VOC RACT for Dow Chemical, U.S.A.
6/7/1988 3/24/1989 54 FR 12193 (c) 46 VOC RACT for New Departure Hyatt.
12/14/1988 4/10/1989 54 FR 14226 (c) 49 VOC RACT for Stanadyne.
3/22/1989 5/30/1989 54 FR 22891 (c) 51 VOC RACT for Pratt & Whitney Division of UTC.
12/30/1988 6/2/1989 54 FR 23650 (c) 50 Changes limit on volatility of gasoline.
10/19/1987 11/28/1989 54 FR 48885 (c) 47 VOC RACT for Frismar, Inc.
10/18/1988 11/39/1989 54 FR 49284 (c) 52 VOC RACT for Pfizer, Inc.
9/5/1989 12/22/1989 54 FR 52798 (c) 53 VOC RACT for Uniroyal Chemical Co.
11/29/1989 3/12/1990 55 FR 9121 (c) 54 VOC RACT for Hamilton Standard Division of United Technologies Corp.
11/2/1988 3/14/1990 55 FR 9442 (c) 55 VOC RACT for Heminway & Bartlett Manufacturing Company.
10/31/1989 10/18/1991 56 FR 52205 (c) 58 Changes applicability to facilities with ≥15 pounds VOC per day.
10/31/1989 10/18/1991 56 FR 52205 (c) 58 Various changes to Section 20 approved.
9/1/1993 11/19/1993 58 FR 61041 Withdrawal of NPR for Sikorsky Aircraft Division of UTC, Bridgeport.
1/29/1990, 9/29/1995, & 2/7/96 2/9/98 63 FR 6484 (c) (60) VOC RACT for Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation in Stratford.
6/3/1996 4/24/1998 63 FR 20318 (c) (73) Alternative VOC RACT for Risdon Corporation in Danbury.
11/18/1993 3/10/1999 64 FR 12024 (c)(75) Changes to subsection 22a-174-20(s), 20(v), and 20(ee).
Loading gasoline and other volatile organic compounds 4/1/1998 10/19/2000 65 FR 62624 (c)(84) Changes to gasoline and volatile organic loading regulations.
Metal Cleaning 7/26/2007 8/22/2012 77 FR 50595 (c)(100) Changes to solvent metal cleaning rule.
Miscellaneous metal parts and products 8/1/1995 10/19/2000 65 FR 62624 (c)(84) Changes to regulations to add emission limit for architectural aluminum panels.
Restrictions on VOC Emissions from Cutback and Emulsified Asphalt 12/29/2008 8/22/2012 77 FR 50595 (c)(100) Changes to cutback and emulsified asphalt paving rule.
4/6/2010 6/9/2014 79 FR 32873 (c)(102) Amendment of subdivision (f)(9), withdrawal of subsection (g), amendment of subdivisions (l)(1) and (l)(2), amendment of subsections (p) Metal furniture coatings, (q) Paper, film, and foil coating, amendment of subparagraph (s)(2)(B), amendment of subsection (ee) Reasonably available control technology for large sources, addition of subsection (ff) Flexible package printing, with the exception of the phrases “or other method approved by the commissioner” in subparagraph (ff)(1)(K) and “or alternative method as approved by the commissioner” in clause (ff)(5)(B)(vi),
addition of subsection (gg) Offset lithographic printing and letterpress printing, with the exception of the phrases “or other method approved by the commissioner” in subparagraph (gg)(1)(O) and “or alternative method as approved by the commissioner” in clause (gg)(7)(B)(vi), addition of subsection (hh) Large appliance coatings, with the exception of the phrases “or other method approved by the commissioner” in subparagraph (hh)(1)(CC) and “or alternative method as approved by the commissioner” in clause (hh)(7)(B)(vi), addition of (ii) Industrial solvent cleaning, with the exception of the phrases “or other method approved by the commissioner” in subparagraph (ii)(1)(I) and “or alternative method as approved by the commissioner” in clause (ii)(6)(B)(vi) and addition of (jj) Spray application equipment cleaning, with the exception of the phrases “or other method approved by the commissioner” in subparagraph (jj)(1)(H), with the exception of subparagraph (jj)(3)(D), and with the exception of the phrase “or alternative method as approved by the commissioner” in clause (JJ)(6)(B)(vii).
22a-174-20 Control of organic compound emissions 10/31/2012 6/9/2014 79 FR 32873 (c)(103) Amendment of subsection (s) Miscellaneous metal parts and products, amendment of subdivisions (aa)(1), (cc)(2), and (cc)(3), amendment of subparagraph (ii)(3)(A); and addition of subdivision (kk) Pleasure craft coatings.
22a-174-20 Control of organic compound emissions 3/5/2014 11/3/2015 80 FR 67642 (c)(110) Large aboveground storage tanks updates: amend (a); withdraw (b)(1); amend (b)(2), (b)(3) and (b)(4); add (b)(17); amend (c) and (x)(12).
22a-174-20 Control of Organic Compound Emissions 7/8/2015 12/15/2017 82 FR 59519 (c)117 Removes sections (b)(6)-(b)(9) and (b)(11), Revises sections (a)(7), (b)(10), sections (b)(12)-(b)(16), and section (ee).
22a-174-20 Control of Organic Compound Emissions 11/18/2020 9/5/2023 88 FR 60591 (c)(129) Revisions made to 22a-174-20(gg)(8).
22a-174-20 Control of organic compound emissions 10/28/2022 7/8/2024 89 FR 55888 (c)(131) Amends 22a-174-20(a)(12).
22a-174-21 Control of carbon monoxide emissions 4/4/1972 5/31/1972 37 FR 23085 (b).
9/21/1982 3/21/1984 49 FR 10542 (c) 32 CO attainment plan.
22a-174-22 Control of Nitrogen Oxides Emissions 11/19/1996 9/28/1999 64 FR 52238 (c)(82) Case-specific trading order for AlliedSignal, Inc., and U.S. Army Tank-Automotive and Armaments Command in Stratford.
22a-174-22 Control of Nitrogen Oxides Emissions 11/19/1996 9/28/1999 64 FR 52238 (c)(82) Case-specific trading order for Connecticut Natural Gas Corporation in Rocky Hill.
22a-174-22 Control of Nitrogen Oxides Emissions 12/20/1996 9/28/1999 64 FR 52238 (c)(82) Case-specific trading order for Cytec Industries, Inc., in Wallingford.
22a-174-22 Control of Nitrogen Oxides Emissions 6/25/1997 9/28/1999 64 FR 52238 (c)(82) Amendments to case-specific trading order for Connecticut Natural Gas Corporation.
22a-174-22 Control of Nitrogen Oxides Emissions 7/8/1997 9/28/1999 64 FR 52238 (c)(82) Amendments to case-specific trading order for AlliedSignal, Inc., and U.S. Army Tank-Automotive and Armaments Command in Stratford.
22a-174-22 Control of Nitrogen Oxides Emissions 7/23/1997 9/28/1999 64 FR 52238 (c)(82) Case-specific trading order for Ogden Martin Systems of Bristol, Inc., in Bristol.
22a-174-22 Control of NOX nitrogen oxide emissions 1/12/2000 3/23/2001 66 FR 16137 (c)(88) Case-specific trading order for Wisvest Bridgeport Harbor Station's Unit No. 2 in Bridgeport.
5/22/2000 3/23/2001 66 FR 16137 (c)(88) Amendment to case-specific trading order for Ogden Martin System's facility in Bristol.
5/22/2000 3/23/2001 66 FR 16137 (c)(88) Amendment to case-specific trading order for Connecticut Resources Recovery Authority.
5/22/2000 3/23/2001 66 FR 16137 (c)(88) Amendment to case-specific order for American Ref-Fuel Company.
5/22/2000 3/23/2001 66 FR 16137 (c)(88) Amendment to case-specific trading order for Bridgeport Resco Company.
5/22/2000 3/23/2001 66 FR 16137 (c)(88) Case-specific trading order for Wisvest Bridgeport Harbor Station's Unit No. 4 in Bridgeport.
5/22/2000 3/23/2001 66 FR 16137 (c)(88) Case-specific trading order for Wisvest New Haven Harbor Station's auxiliary Boiler in New Haven.
5/31/2000 3/23/2001 66 FR 16137 (c)(88) Case-specific trading order for Wisvest Bridgeport Harbor Station's Unit No. 3 in Bridgeport.
5/31/2000 3/23/2001 66 FR 16137 (c)(88) Case-specific trading order for Wisvest New Haven Harbor Station's Unit No. 1 in New Haven.
12/28/2000 7/10/2014 79 FR 39322 [Insert next available paragraph number in sequence] Approves the Oct-April NOX emission limits for units subject to the CT NOX Budget program. Only section (e)(3) was submitted as part of the SIP revision.
22a-174-22 Control of Nitrogen Oxides emissions 7/16/2012 8/3/2015 80 FR 45887 (c)(109) Connecticut Trading Agreement and Order No. 8187, Modification 1.
22a-174-22 Control of Nitrogen Oxides emissions 7/16/2012 8/3/2015 80 FR 45887 (c)(109) Connecticut Trading Agreement and Order No. 8242, Modification 1.
22a-174-22a Nitrogen Oxides (NOX)Budget Program 12/15/1998 9/28/1999 64 FR 52238 (c)(80) Approval of NOX cap and allowance trading regulations.
9/4/2007 1/24/2008 73 FR 4105 (c)(97) Repealed as of January 24, 2008. Superseded by CAIR.
22a-174-22b Post-2002 Nitrogen Oxides (NOX) Budget Program 9/29/1999 12/27/2000 65 FR 81746 (c)86
The Connecticut Post-2002 NOX Budget Program, as of May 1, 2010 9/4/2007 1/24/2008 73 FR 4105 (c)(97) Repealed as of May 1, 2010. Superseded by CAIR.
22a-174-22c The Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR) Nitrogen Oxides (NOX) Ozone Season Trading Program 9/4/2007 1/24/2008 73 FR 4105 (c)(97)
22a-174-22c The Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR) Nitrogen Oxides (NOX) Ozone Season Trading Program 12/22/2016 7/31/2017 82 FR 35454 (c)(116) Minor edit to update citation.
22a-174-22e Control of nitrogen oxides emissions from fuel-burning equipment at major stationary sources of nitrogen oxides 12/22/2016 7/31/2017 82 FR 35454 (c)(116) New regulation applicable to major sources of NOX.
22a-174-22e Definitions 10/8/2019 7/14/2021 86 FR 37053 [Insert next available paragraph number in sequence] Definitions revised for “emergency” and “emergency engine.”
22a-174-22e Compliance options 10/8/2019 7/14/2021 86 FR 37053 [Insert next available paragraph number in sequence] Approve subsection (g)(4) and (g)(6): Two compliance options relating to ISO-New England OP-4 removed.
22a-174-22e Control of nitrogen oxides emissions from fuel-burning equipment at major stationary sources of nitrogen oxides 10/28/2022 7/8/2024 89 FR 55888 (c)(131) Amends 22a-174-2e(m)(1) and (m)(4).
22a-174-22f High daily NOX emitting units at non-major sources of NOX 12/22/2016 7/31/2017 82 FR 35454 (c)(116) New regulation applicable to non-major sources of NOX.
22a-174-23 Control of Odors 4/4/1972 5/31/1972 37 FR 23085 (b).
Rescinded from Federal SIP 8/31/1979 12/23/1980 45 FR 84769 (c) 11 EPA has no authority to control odors.
22a-174-24 Connecticut primary and secondary standards 4/4/1972 5/31/1972 37 FR 23085 (b).
7/11/1981 11/18/1981 46 FR 56612 (c) 18 Eliminated State 24-hour and annual standard for SO2.
10/8/1980 2/17/1982 47 FR 6827 (c) 25 Adopted ambient air quality standards for lead and revised the ozone standard.
10/8/1980 8/24/1982 47 FR 36822 (c) 20 EPA took “no action” on definition of the term “acceptable method” because did not ensure consistency with EPA monitoring regulations.
10/8/1980 11/2/1982 47 FR 49646 (c) 20 Correction to subparagraph designation.
10/8/1980 12/13/1985 50 FR 50906 (c) 35 Approved definition of acceptable method.
2/25/1991 3/24/1992 57 FR 10139 (c) 61 Requires use of low sulfur fuels at Connecticut Light & Power in Montville.
2/14/1992 11/20/1992 57 FR 54703 (c) 59 Requires use of low sulfur fuels at Stones CT Paperboard Corp.
2/5/1992 11/20/1992 57 FR 54703 (c) 59 Requires use of low sulfur fuel at Hartford Hospital.
22a-174-24 Connecticut primary and secondary ambient air quality standards 4/7/2014 6/24/2015 80 FR 36242 (c)(106) All of 22a-174-24 is approved, with the exception of subsection (m) Dioxin, which Connecticut withdrew from its SIP submittal.
22a-174-25 Effective date 4/4/1972 5/31/1972 37 FR 23085 (b).
22a-174-27 Emissions standards for periodic motor vehicle inspection and maintenance 3/26/1998 3/10/1999 64 FR 12005 (c)78 Revised Department of Environmental Protection regulation contain I/M emission standards.
22a-174-27 Emission standards and on-board diagnostic II test requirements for periodic motor vehicle inspection and maintenance 8/25/2004 12/5/2008 74 FR 74019 (c)(98) DEP regulations including emissions standards and OBD2 requirements. Paragraph 52.370(c)(98) was revised March 17, 2015 by redesignating paragraph (c)(98)(i)(A) as (c)(98)(i)(A)(1) and adding paragraph (c)(98)(i)(A)(2) to read as follows: (2) In revisions to the State Implementation Plan submitted by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection on January 22, 2010 section 22a-174-27 (e) was repealed by the State of Connecticut effective August 10, 2009. Section 22a-174-27 (e), which was approved in paragraph (c)(98)(i)(A)(1), is removed from the SIP without replacement; see paragraph (c)(105)(i)(B) of this section.
22a-174-27 Emission standards and on-board diagnostic II test requirements for periodic motor vehicle inspection and maintenance 8/10/2009 3/17/2015 80 FR 13770 (c)(105) This SIP revision includes a change to exempt composite vehicles from tailpipe inspections. Revision to Section 22a-174-27 (b) and removal of Section 22a-174-27 (e).
22a-174-28 SIP revision concerning Oxygenated Gasoline 9/28/1999 1/31/2000 64 FR 67188 (c)(83) This SIP revision removes the oxygenated gasoline requirement for the Connecticut portion of the New York—N. New Jersey—Long Island area and changes it to a contingency measure for maintaining the carbon monoxide National Ambient Air Quality Standard in the southwest Connecticut area.
22a-174-28 SIP revision concerning Oxygenated Gasoline 4/7/2014 6/24/2015 80 FR 36242 (c)(106) Amendment of subdivision (a)(5) Control period.
14-164c Periodic Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance 4/7/1998 3/10/1999 64 FR 12005 (c)78 Revised Department of Motor Vehicles regulation for the Connecticut I/M Program.
6/24/1999 10/27/2000 10/27/2000, 65 FR 64360 (c)89 Revised subsection (b) of Section 14-164c-11a of the Department of Motor Vehicles regulation concerning emissions repairs expenditure requirement to receive waver.
14-164c Periodic Motor Vehicle Emissions Inspection and Maintenance 5/28/2004 12/5/2008 74 FR 74019 (c)(98) DMV regulation revisions for test and repair network and implementing OBD2 and other tests.
22a-174-30 Gasoline Vapor Recovery 1/12/1993 12/17/1993 58 FR 65930 (c) 62 Requires Stage II vapor recovery from gasoline dispensers.
1/18/1994 59 FR 2649 (c) 62 Correction to 12/17/1993 notice.
5/10/2004 8/31/2006 71 FR 51761 (c)(95) Added new requirements for PV vents and increased frequency of Stage II testing. All of 22a-174-30 is approved with the exception of subsection (c)(5), which the state did not submit as part of the SIP revision.
22a-174-30 Dispensing of Gasoline/Stage II Vapor Recovery 7/8/2015 12/15/2017 82 FR 59519 (c)117 22a-174-30 was repealed by CT and withdrawn from the SIP and replaced by 22a-174-30a.
22a-174-30a Stage I Vapor Recovery 7/8/2015 12/15/2017 82 FR 59519 (c)117 Replaces the repealed section 22a-174-30.
22a-174-32 Reasonably available control technology for volatile organic compounds 11/18/1993 3/10/1999 64 FR 12024 (c)(76) Conditional approval of the addition of non-CTG VOC RACT requirements.
22a-174-32 8/27/1999 10/19/2000 65 FR 62624 (c)(84) Changes to the non-CTG regulation.
22a-174-32 Reasonably available control technology for volatile organic compounds 4/15/2002 10/24/2005 70 FR 61384 (c)(96) VOC RACT for Hitchcock Chair.
22a-174-32 Reasonably available control technology for volatile organic compounds 4/23/2001 10/24/2005 70 FR 61384 (c)(96) VOC RACT for Kimberly Clark.
22a-174-32 Reasonably available control technology for volatile organic compounds 10/3/2002 10/24/2005 70 FR 61384 (c)(96) VOC RACT for Watson Laboratories.
22a-174-32 Reasonably available control technology for volatile organic compounds 10/4/2002 10/24/2005 70 FR 61384 (c)(96) VOC RACT for Ross & Roberts.
22a-174-32 Reasonably available control technology for volatile organic compounds 9/13/2005 5/1/2017 82 FR 20262 (c)(115) VOC RACT for Mallace Industries
22a-174-32 Reasonably available control technology for volatile organic compounds 9/3/2009 5/1/2017 82 FR 20262 (c)(115) VOC RACT for Hamilton Sundstrand
22a-174-32 Reasonably available control technology for volatile organic compounds 7/8/2015 12/15/2017 82 FR 59519 (c)117 Revises section (b)(3).
22a-174-33a Limit on Premises-wide Actual Emissions Below 50% of Title V Thresholds 9/24/2020 3/11/2022 87 FR 13936 (c)127
22a-174-33b Limit on Premises-wide Actual Emissions Below 80% of Title V Thresholds 9/24/2020 3/11/2022 87 FR 13936 (c)127 Approved with the exception of section (d)(6) which Connecticut withdrew from its SIP submittal.
22a-174-36 Low Emission Vehicles 12/23/1994 3/9/2000 65 FR 12479 (c)(79) Approval of Low Emission Vehicle Program.
22a-174-36b Low Emission Vehicles II Program. 12/22/2005 3/17/2015 80 FR 13770 (c)(105) Adoption of Connecticut's Low Emissions Vehicle II (LEV II) Program. Sections 22a-174-36b (a), (b), (d), (f) through (j), (l), (m), and new sections (n) and (o).
22a-174-36b Low Emission Vehicles II Program. 8/10/2009 3/17/2015 80 FR 13770 (c)(105) Sections 22a-174-36b (c), (e), and (k).
22a-174-36b Low Emission Vehicle II Program 8/1/2013 7/15/2024 89 FR 57361 (c)(132) Revises LEV II program, places end date on model year vehicles.
22a-174-36c Low Emission Vehicle III Program 8/1/2013 7/15/2024 89 FR 57361 (c)(132) Adopts the LEV III regulation.
22a-174-36(g) Alternative Means of Compliance via the National Low Emission Vehicle (LEV) Program 1/29/1999 3/9/2000 65 FR 12479 (c)(79) Approval of Alternative Means of Compliance via the National Low Emission Vehicle (LEV) Program for the “California” low emission vehicle program adopted above.
22a-174-38 Municipal Waste Combustors 10/26/2000 12/6/2001 66 FR 63312 c(90) The nitrogen oxide emission limits and related regulatory provisions of 22a-174-38, Municipal Waste Combustors, included in sections 22a-174-38 (a), (b), (c), (d), (i), (j), (k), (l), and (m).
22a-174-38 Municipal Waste Combustors 8/2/2016 7/31/2017 82 FR 35454 (c)(116) Portions of previously approved regulation were revised, primarily to incorporate tightened NOX emission limit for mass burn water-walled units.
22a-174-40 Consumer Products 10/5/2017 11/19/2018 83 FR 58188 (c)(119).
22a-174-41 Architectural and Industrial Maintenance Products—Phase 1 10/5/2017 11/19/2018 83 FR 58188 (c)(119).
22a-174-41a Architectural and Industrial Maintenance Products—Phase 2 10/5/2017 11/19/2018 83 FR 58188 (c)(119).
22a-174-43 Portable Fuel Container Spillage Control 5/10/2004 8/31/2006 71 FR 51761 (c)(95)
22a-174-43 Portable Fuel Container Spillage Control 5/10/2004 9/1/2016 81 FR 60274 (c)(95) DEEP regulation to control portable fuel container spillage. Paragraph (c)(95) was revised 9/1/16 by removing and reserving paragraph (c)(95)(i)(C).
22a-174-44 Adhesives and Sealants 10/03/2008 6/9/2014 79 FR 32873 (c)(103)
22a-174-100 Permits for construction of indirect sources Rescinded from federal SIP 1/9/1974 2/25/1974 39 FR 7280 (c) 4 Requires review of air impacts of indirect sources.
8/20/1974 2/13/1976 41 FR 6765 (c) 6 Added indirect source review (ISR) regulations.
6/30/1977 1/26/1979 44 FR 5427 (c) 9.
NA 12/23/1979 45 FR 84769 (c) 11 SIP shown to attain standards as expeditiously as practicable without ISR regulation.
Connecticut General Statutes Section 1-85 Interest in conflict with discharge of duties 10/1/1989 6/3/2016 81 FR 35636 c(112) Criteria for identifying a conflict of interest.
Connecticut General Statutes Section 16a-21a Sulfur content of home heating oil and off road diesel fuel. Suspension of requirements for emergency. Enforcement 7/1/2015 8/1/2017 83 FR 37437 c (118) Allowable sulfur content of fuels provided. Criteria for suspension of requirements and for enforcement identified.
Connecticut General Statutes Section 22a-171 Duties of Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection. 10/1/1989 6/3/2016 81 FR 35636 c(112) Obligations and activities of the Commissioner identified.
Connecticut General Statute, Title 446c, Section 22a-174(f) Powers of the commissioner. Open Burning 3/30/2000 9/1/2016 81 FR 60274 (c)(113) Control of open burning; see paragraph (c)(113)(A) of this section.
Connecticut Public Act No. 13-120 An act concerning gasoline Vapor recovery systems 6/18/2013 12/15/2017 82 FR 59519 (c)117 Revises section 22a-174e of the Connecticut General Statutes to require decommissioning of Stage II Vapor Recovery Systems.
[62 FR 52022, Oct. 6, 1997; 62 FR 65224, Dec. 11, 1997]
Editorial Notes:
1. For Federal Register citations affecting § 52.385, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at www.govinfo.gov.

2. At 79 FR 39329, July 10, 2014, § 52.385 was amended; however, portions of the amendment could not be incorporated due to inaccurate amendatory instruction.