40 CFR § 60.591 - Definitions.

§ 60.591 Definitions.

As used in this subpart, all terms not defined herein shall have the meaning given them in the act, in subpart A of part 60, or in subpart VV of part 60, and the following terms shall have the specific meanings given them.

Alaskan North Slope means the approximately 69,000 square mile area extending from the Brooks Range to the Arctic Ocean.

Asphalt (also known as Bitumen) is a black or dark brown solid or semi-solid thermo-plastic material possessing waterproofing and adhesive properties. It is a complex combination of higher molecular weight organic compounds containing a relatively high proportion of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers greater than C25 with a high carbon to hydrogen ratio. It is essentially non-volatile at ambient temperatures with closed cup flash point of 445 °F (230 °C) or greater.

Equipment means each valve, pump, pressure relief device, sampling connection system, open-ended valve or line, and flange or other connector in VOC service. For the purposes of recordkeeping and reporting only, compressors are considered equipment.

In hydrogen service means that a compressor contains a process fluid that meets the conditions specified in § 60.593(b).

In light liquid service means that the piece of equipment contains a liquid that meets the conditions specified in § 60.593(c).

Petroleum means the crude oil removed from the earth and the oils derived from tar sands, shale, and coal.

Petroleum refinery means any facility engaged in producing gasoline, kerosene, distillate fuel oils, residual fuel oils, lubricants, or other products through the distillation of petroleum, or through the redistillation, cracking, or reforming of unfinished petroleum derivatives.

Process unit means the components assembled and connected by pipes or ducts to process raw materials and to produce intermediate or final products from petroleum, unfinished petroleum derivatives, or other intermediates. A process unit can operate independently if supplied with sufficient feed or raw materials and sufficient storage facilities for the product. For the purpose of this subpart, process unit includes any feed, intermediate and final product storage vessels (except as specified in § 60.482-1(g)), product transfer racks, and connected ducts and piping. A process unit includes all equipment as defined in this subpart.

[49 FR 22606, May 30, 1984, as amended at 72 FR 64895, Nov. 16, 2007]
Effective Date Note:
At 73 FR 31376, June 2, 2008, § 60.591, the definition of “process unit” was stayed until further notice.