40 CFR § 61.63 - Emission standard for vinyl chloride plants.

§ 61.63 Emission standard for vinyl chloride plants.

An owner or operator of a vinyl chloride plant shall comply with the requirements of this section and § 61.65.

(a) Vinyl chloride formation and purification: The concentration of vinyl chloride in each exhaust gas stream from any equipment used in vinyl chloride formation and/or purification is not to exceed 10 ppm (average for 3-hour period), except as provided in § 61.65(a). This requirement does not preclude combining of exhaust gas streams provided the combined steam is ducted through a control system from which the concentration of vinyl chloride in the exhaust gases does not exceed 10 ppm, or equivalent as provided in § 61.66. This requirement does not apply to equipment that has been opened, is out of operation, and met the requirement in § 61.65(b)(6)(i) before being opened.

[51 FR 34909, Sept. 30, 1986]