40 CFR § 63.651 - Marine tank vessel loading operation provisions.
(a) Except as provided in paragraphs (b) through (e) of this section, each owner or operator of a marine tank vessel loading operation located at a petroleum refinery shall comply with the requirements of §§ 63.560 through 63.568.
(b) As used in this section, all terms not defined in § 63.641 shall have the meaning given them in subpart A or in 40 CFR part 63, subpart Y. The § 63.641 definition of “affected source” applies under this section.
(c) The notification reports under § 63.567(b) are not required.
(d) The compliance time of 4 years after promulgation of 40 CFR part 63, subpart Y, does not apply. The compliance time is specified in § 63.640(h)(1).
(e) If a flare is used as a control device, on and after January 30, 2019, the flare shall meet the requirements of § 63.670. Prior to January 30, 2019, the flare shall meet the applicable requirements of subpart Y of this part, or the requirements of § 63.670.