40 CFR § 721.7210 - Epoxidized copolymer of phenol and substituted phenol.

§ 721.7210 Epoxidized copolymer of phenol and substituted phenol.

(a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to reporting.

(1) The chemical substance identified as epoxidized copolymer of phenol and substituted phenol (PMN P-91-598) is subject to reporting under this section for the significant new uses described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section. The requirements of this section do not apply once the substance is a component of a highly densified tablet formulation of an epoxy molding compound.

(2) The significant new uses are:

(i) Protection in the workplace. Requirements as specified in § 721.63 (a)(1), (a)(3), (a)(4), (a)(5)(iv), (a)(5)(v), (a)(6)(i), (b) (concentration set at 0.1 percent), and (c).

(ii) Hazard communication program. Requirements as specified in § 721.72 (a) through (e) (concentration set at 0.1 percent), (f), (g)(1)(vi), (g)(1)(vii), (g)(2)(i), (g)(2)(ii), (g)(2)(iii), (g)(2)(iv), (g)(2)(v), (g)(3)(i), (g)(3)(ii), (g)(4)(iii), and (g)(5).

(iii) Industrial, commercial, and consumer activities. Requirements as specified in § 721.80(q).

(iv) Release to water. Requirements as specified in § 721.90 (a)(1), (b)(1), and (c)(1).

(b) Specific requirements. The provisions of subpart A of this part apply to this section except as modified by this paragraph.

(1) Recordkeeping requirements. Requirements as specified in § 721.125 (a) through (i), and (k) are applicable to manufacturers, importers, and processors of this substance.

(2) Limitations or revocation of certain notification requirements. The provisions of § 721.185 apply to this section.

(3) Determining whether a specific use is subject to this section. The provisions of § 721.1725(b)(1) apply to this section.

[57 FR 44071, Sept. 23, 1992, as amended at 58 FR 29946, May 24, 1993; 58 FR 34204, June 23, 1993; 62 FR 42692, Aug. 8, 1997]