42 CFR Subpart E - Subpart E—Inclusion of Qualified Health Maintenance Organizations in Employee Health Benefits Plans
- § 417.150 Definitions.
- § 417.151 Applicability.
- § 417.153 Offer of HMO alternative.
- § 417.155 How the HMO option must be included in the health benefits plan.
- § 417.156 When the HMO must be offered to employees.
- § 417.157 Contributions for the HMO alternative.
- § 417.158 Payroll deductions.
- § 417.159 Relationship of section 1310 of the Public Health Service Act to the National Labor Relations Act and the Railway Labor Act.
45 FR 72517, Oct. 31, 1980, unless otherwise noted. Redesignated at 52 FR 36746, Sept. 30, 1987.