47 CFR § 64.6308 - Review of Governance Authority Decision to Revoke an SPC Token.

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§ 64.6308 Review of Governance Authority Decision to Revoke an SPC Token.

(a) Parties permitted to seek review of Governance Authority decision.

(1) Any voice service provider or intermediate provider aggrieved by a Governance Authority decision to revoke that voice service provider's or intermediate provider's SPC token, must seek review from the Governance Authority and complete the appeals process established by the Governance Authority prior to seeking Commission review.

(2) Any voice service provider or intermediate provider aggrieved by an action to revoke its SPC token taken by the Governance Authority, after exhausting the appeals process provided by the Governance Authority, may then seek review from the Commission, as set forth in this section.

(b) Filing deadlines.

(1) A voice service provider or intermediate provider requesting Commission review of a Governance Authority decision to revoke that voice service provider's or intermediate provider's SPC token by the Commission, shall file such a request electronically in the Electronic Comment Filing System (ECFS) in WC Docket No. 21-291, Appeals of the STIR/SHAKEN Governance Authority Token Revocation Decisions within sixty (60) days from the date the Governance Authority upholds it token revocation decision.

(2) Parties shall adhere to the time periods for filing oppositions and replies set forth in § 1.45.

(c) Filing requirements.

(1) A request for review of a Governance Authority decision to revoke a voice service provider's or intermediate provider's SPC token by the Commission shall be filed in WC Docket No. 21-291, Appeals of the STIR/SHAKEN Governance Authority Token Revocation Decisions, in the Electronic Comment Filing System (ECFS). The request for review shall be captioned “In the matter of Request for Review by (name of party seeking review) of Decision of the Governance Authority to Revoke an SPC Token.”

(2) A request for review shall contain:

(i) A statement setting forth the voice service provider's or intermediate provider's asserted basis for appealing the Governance Authority's decision to revoke the SPC token;

(ii) A full statement of relevant, material facts with supporting affidavits and documentation, including any background information the voice service provider or intermediate provider deems useful to the Commission's review; and

(iii) The question presented for review, with reference, where appropriate, to any underlying Commission rule or Governance Authority policy.

(3) A copy of a request for review that is submitted to the Commission shall be served on the Governance Authority by the voice service provider requesting Commission review via sti-ga@atis.org or in accordance with any alternative delivery mechanism the Governance Authority may establish in its operating procedures.

(d) Review by the Wireline Competition Bureau.

(1) Except in extraordinary circumstances, final action on a request for review of a Governance Authority decision to revoke a voice service provider's or intermediate provider's SPC token should be expected no later than 180 days from the date the request for review is filed in the Electronic Comment Filing System (ECFS) pursuant to § 64.6308(b)(1). The Wireline Competition Bureau shall have the discretion to pause the 180-day review period in situations where actions outside the Wireline Competition Bureau's control are responsible for delaying review of a request for review.

(2) An affected party may seek review of a decision issued under delegated authority by the Wireline Competition Bureau pursuant to the rules set forth in § 1.115.

(e) Standard of review. The Wireline Competition Bureau shall conduct de novo review of Governance Authority decisions to revoke a voice service provider's or intermediate provider's SPC token.

(f) Status during pendency of a request for review and a Governance Authority decision.

(1) A voice service provider or intermediate provider shall not be considered to be in violation of the Commission's caller ID authentication rules under § 64.6301 after revocation of its SPC token by the Governance Authority until the thirty (30) day period to file a formal appeal with the Governance Authority Board expires, or during the pendency of any formal appeal to the Governance Authority Board.

(2) A voice service provider or intermediate provider shall not be considered to be in violation of the Commission's caller ID authentication rules under § 64.6301 after the Governance Authority Board upholds the Governance Authority's SPC token revocation decision until the sixty (60) day period to file a request for review with the Commission expires.

(3) When a voice service provider or intermediate provider has sought timely Commission review of a Governance Authority decision to revoke a voice service provider's or intermediate provider's SPC token under this section, the voice service provider shall not be considered to be in violation of the Commission's caller ID authentication rules under § 64.6301 until and unless the Wireline Competition Bureau, pursuant to paragraph (d)(1) of this section, has upheld or otherwise decided not to overturn the Governance Authority's decision.

(4) In accordance with §§ 1.102(b) and 1.106(n), the effective date of any action pursuant to paragraph (d) shall not be stayed absent order by the Wireline Competition Bureau or the Commission.

[86 FR 48520, Aug. 31, 2021]