47 CFR § 73.1350 - Transmission system operation.
(a) Each licensee is responsible for maintaining and operating its broadcast station in a manner which complies with the technical rules set forth elsewhere in this part and in accordance with the terms of the station authorization.
(b) The licensee must designate a chief operator in accordance with § 73.1870. The licensee may designate one or more technically competent persons to adjust the transmitter operating parameters for compliance with the technical rules and the station authorization.
(1) Persons so authorized by the licensee may make such adjustments directly at the transmitter site or by using control equipment at an off-site location.
(2) The transmitter control personnel must have the capability to turn the transmitter off at all times. If the personnel are at a remote location, the control system must provide this capability continuously or must include an alternate method of acquiring control that can satisfy the requirement of paragraph (e) of this section that operation be terminated within three minutes.
(c) The licensee must establish monitoring procedures and schedules for the station and the indicating instruments employed must comply with § 73.1215.
(1) Monitoring procedures and schedules must enable the licensee to determine compliance with § 73.1560 regarding operating power and AM station mode of operation, § 73.1570 regarding modulation levels, and, where applicable, § 73.1213 regarding antenna tower lighting, and § 73.69 regarding the parameters of an AM directional antenna system.
(2) Monitoring equipment must be periodically calibrated so as to provide reliable indications of transmitter operating parameters with a known degree of accuracy. Errors inherent in monitoring equipment and the calibration procedure must be taken into account when adjusting operating parameters to ensure that the limits imposed by the technical rules and the station authorization are not exceeded.
(d) In the event that a broadcast station is operating in a manner that is not in compliance with the applicable technical rules set forth elsewhere in this part or the terms of the station authorization, and the condition is not listed in paragraph (e) or (f) of this section, broadcast operation must be terminated within three hours unless antenna input power is reduced sufficiently to eliminate any excess radiation. Examples of conditions that require termination of operation within three hours include excessive power, excessive modulation or the emission of spurious signals that do not result in harmful interference.
(e) If a broadcast station is operating in a manner that poses a threat to life or property or that is likely to significantly disrupt the operation of other stations, immediate corrective action is required. In such cases, operation must be terminated within three minutes unless antenna input power is reduced sufficiently to eliminate any excess radiation. Examples of conditions that require immediate corrective action include the emission of spurious signals that cause harmful interference, any mode of operation not specified by the station license for the pertinent time of day, or operation substantially at variance from the authorized radiation pattern.
(f) If a broadcast station is operating in a manner that is not in compliance with one of the following technical rules, operation may continue if the station complies with relevant alternative provisions in the specified rule section.
(1) AM directional antenna system tolerances, see § 73.62;
(2) AM directional antenna monitoring points, see § 73.158;
(3) [Reserved]
(4) Reduced power operation, see § 73.1560(d);
(5) Reduced modulation level, see § 73.1570(a);
(6) Emergency antennas, see § 73.1680.
(g) The transmission system must be maintained and inspected in accordance with § 73.1580.
(h) Whenever a transmission system control point is established at a location other than the main studio or transmitter, a letter of notification of that location must be sent to the FCC via a Change of Control Point Notice in LMS within 3 days of the initial use of that point. The letter should include a list of all control points in use, for clarity. This notification is not required if responsible station personnel can be contacted at the transmitter or studio site during hours of operation.
(i) The licensee must ensure that the station is operated in compliance with Part 11 of this chapter, the rules governing the Emergency Alert System (EAS).