49 CFR § 393.61 - Truck and truck tractor window construction.
§ 393.61 Truck and truck tractor window construction.
Each truck and truck tractor (except trucks engaged in armored car service) shall have at least one window on each side of the driver's compartment. Each window must have a minimum area of 1,290 cm 2 (200 in 2) formed by a rectangle 33 cm by 45 cm (13 inches by 17 3/4 inches). The maximum radius of the corner arcs shall not exceed 152 mm (6 inches). The long axis of the rectangle shall not make an angle of more than 45 degrees with the surface on which the unladen vehicle stands. If the cab is designed with a folding door or doors or with clear openings where doors or windows are customarily located, no windows shall be required in those locations.
[70 FR 48052, Aug. 15, 2005]