5 CFR § 317.301 - Conversion coverage.
(a) When applicable. These conversion provisions apply in the following circumstances.
(1) The implementation of the Senior Executive Service effective on July 13, 1979, and the initial conversions thereto.
(2) The implementation of the Senior Executive Service in an agency following the revocation of that agency's Presidential exclusion under 5 U.S.C. 3132(e). The Office of Personnel Management shall determine the date on which conversions under this authority shall become effective. Generally, this will be no later than six months following the effective date of the revocation of the Presidential exclusion.
(3) The implementation of the Senior Executive Service in a formerly excluded agency following statutory action extending coverage under 5 U.S.C. 3132(a)(1) to that agency. Except as otherwise provided by law, the Office of Personnel Management shall determine the date on which conversions under this authority shall become effective. Generally, this will be no later than six months following the effective date of the statutory action extending coverage under 5 U.S.C. 3132(a)(1).
(4) The implementation of the SES in a formerly excluded agency when OPM determines that the agency is an “Executive agency” under 5 U.S.C. 3132(a)(1).
(5) The exercise of a reemployment right by an individual who at the time of his/her former agency's implementation of the Senior Executive Service was under a reemployment agreement to a position in that agency which meets the grade level and functional criteria for inclusion under the Senior Executive Service. The effective date of a conversion under this authority is prescribed by § 317.302(d)(5).
(b) Employees covered. This subpart covers:
(1) An employee serving in a position at the time it is designated a Senior Executive Service position;
(2) An individual appointed or reinstated to a position after it has been designated a Senior Executive Service position;
(3) An employee transferred, promoted, voluntarily reassigned or voluntarily demoted to a position after it has been designated a Senior Executive Service position;
(4) An employee involuntarily reassigned or involuntarily demoted to a position after it has been designated a Senior Executive Service position; and
(5) An employee serving in a position which meets the grade level but not the functional criteria for designation as a Senior Executive Service position.
(6) An employee appointed in his/her former agency under a reemployment right provided, however, that the employee was under a reemployment agreement at the time the Senior Executive Service was implemented in his/her former agency and that the reemployment right was to a position which meets the grade level and functional criteria for inclusion under the Senior Executive Service.
(c) Employees excluded. The following employees are excluded from coverage of this subpart and are not entitled to conversion to the Senior Executive Service.
(1) An employee in a position designated as Senior Executive Service who is serving under a time limited appointment which will terminate before the operational date of the Senior Executive Service.
(2) An employee serving under a temporary promotion, detail, or temporary assignment in a position designated as Senior Executive Service unless the position which the employee encumbered on a permanent basis just prior to the current temporary action has been designated as Senior Executive Service.